14. Yellow || Chase Brody

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Chase bounced happily. He was wearing an oversized bright yellow hoodie, the baggy material hanging halfway down his thighs, the sleeves way past his hands. The yellow hoodie matched his mood today, which in itself made Chase even happier, there weren't many days where he could successfully say he was completely happy. Nothing was going wrong yet, the sun was out, making the day a pleasant warm. His hoodie also happened to match the leaves, brightly colored with reds, oranges, and yellows.
Chase was thinking about going and buying Henrik some flowers possibly. But he was worried that if he left the house something would go wrong and he wouldn't be happy anymore. Oh well, he was content with hanging out in the house with the other Septics, who all seemed to be in good moods. And try his best to push the nagging thought that something bad would happen into the depths of his mind, ignoring the incessant voice.

Thanks to Miyano-Hikari for helping me pick the ego for today :))

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