5. Water || Jackieboy Man

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(I actually got this idea from the song up there)

Jackie's unconscious body plummeted out of the sky. He landed in the middle of a lake with a massive splash, sinking lower and lower. Blood curled up from the wound in his chest into the water, swirling with the movement Jackie's body made.
The hero's eyes shot open and he gasped, water pouring into his lungs, Jackie's body screaming in protest. He struggled to pull energy into his limbs, to push himself out of the water, but there was none left. The steady flow of blood out of Jackie and into the lake made his eyes grow heavy as he grew lightheaded, his body still sinking into the pitch blackness. His cape floated around him, the same color as his blood, twisting and swirling with the slight current, the only source of color other than the faint blue of the sky, far above Jackie as he sank, lower and lower.

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