18. Orange || Chase Brody

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Chase smiled as he stared upwards, watching the leaves that fluttered down around him, swirling in the wind. The orange leaves that still covered the trees glowing in the setting sun. Golden-orange light filtered through the canopy, falling in streaks and spots on the forest floor.
Pain tore through Chase and he cried out, dropping to the ground, gasping for breath with his eyes squeezed shut. When the pain faded and he had caught his breath, Chase opened his eyes.
He slapped his hand to his mouth, stifling his scream. The bright orange of the leaves had been replaced by red. Dark red, that was dripping from the tips of leaves, running down tree trunks, pooling on the ground, gathering in an inch deep layer on the dirt. Chase tripped to his feet, fear churning in his stomach. A thick metallic scent filled his nose and mouth and he gagged, suddenly desperate to rid his mouth of the warm taste. The sound of constant dripping and creaking was impossible to ignore now. He took a step back, his shoes splashing in the layer of red liquid, looking up into the trees. Nondescript shapes dangled from the branches above him, looking for all the world like bodies. Chase's breath caught in his throat and he stumbled backwards, tripping on something and falling backwards. He landed on his butt with a wince, and suddenly everything was normal again. The orange leaves swayed in the slight breeze, the night fairly quiet. Stars poked through the small breaks in the leaves, crickets' chirping filling the night.  

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