19. Wing/wings || Jackieboy Man

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Jackie opened his eyes, wind brushing past his face. Huge, light brown wings stretched out behind him, pushing upwards, keeping him aloft in the sky. He twirled, watching the earth spin under him, before giving a massive push, rocketing himself forwards, a laugh bubbling out of him.
He slowed, thinking for a moment he heard a sound. He pushed his wings out behind him, creating a sort of parachute, slowing himself to a stop. His wingbeats filled the silent sky, and he struggled to hear anything above them.
"Jackie!" A distant scream reached his ears and he turned in the sky, trying to pinpoint where it had come from.
Whoever it was screamed again and he shot towards the sound, tucking his wings against his back in a dive. The clouds overhead thickened, congregating across the sky, darkening the light that tried to push its way through the thick layer.
Jackie inhaled quickly when he saw who was screaming. Marvin was plummeting out of the sky, desperately trying to grasp onto the clouds, but they evaporated upon his frantic grip.
Jackie tightened his dive, catching up to Marvin so fast that he almost slammed into him, instead catching him at the last second. He flung his wings out, catching the air, ebbing their plunge.
"You ok Marv?" He asked, trying to ignore the nagging sense that something wasn't right. Why was Marvin even falling in the first place?
Marvin nodded hesitantly, hiccupping quietly as he clung for dear life onto the front of Jackie's hoodie, looking down at the ground, miles beneath them.
"Y- yeah, I'm ok..." He whispered, turning to face Jackie.
Jackie almost dropped him, stifling a gasp.
Marvin's eyes were pitch black, dark tears leaking out of them, running down his face.

Jackie sat up, panting. The darkness of his bedroom enveloped him. Where normally it would've been calming to know he had just been dreaming, this time he felt uneasy. Sure, it may have not been real, but where did that dream come from? Jackie lay back down, wrapping his arms around Marvin and snuggling into his back, trying to calm his breathing, which was on the verge of hyperventilation.
"You ok Jackie?" Marvin asked sleepily, his voice barely a whisper.
"Y- yeah, I'm ok..." Jackie whispered.

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