10. Virus || Antisepticeye

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"Oh fuck," Anti cursed, leaning back in his chair with an annoyed sigh, crossing his arms as he glared at his computer.

The entire screen was glowing blue, a pop-up telling him he had a virus.

"Fuckin bullshit," Anti muttered, glitching himself so he was standing at his bedroom door.
He opened it and stepped into the hall, glaring across the hall at Jackie's door, which was directly across from his.

He started making his way down the stairs, his head twitching with annoyance, his fingertips glitching.

The house was dark, not a sound could be heard throughout the Septic household, an odd occurrence. Not that it bothered Anti, maybe they were just all out. Yeah, ALL of them.

He let out another sigh. Not that he cared or anything, but today was his birthday, and no one was home.

"Yay, happy birthday to me..." He muttered, about to walk into the kitchen to grab something to drink.

A light flipped on and all the other egos popped out of varying hiding spots, all shouting, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANTI!!"

Anti winced, his eyes lighting up despite the immediate reaction of fear.

"You remembered?" He said, feeling happier than he had for a while.

Chase bounced up to him, "Of course we did you doofus, we would never forget!"

Anti blushed and abruptly wrapped his arms around Chase, hiding his face in Chase's shoulder.

"Thank you..." He muttered.

He knew that as a demon he really wasn't supposed to feel much emotion, or care that much about small things, but he did anyway, despite what it looked like.

Chase hugged him back happily, pulling away after a second.

Marvin came up next, "Oh, sorry about the computer virus."

"How'd you know about that?" Anti asked, slightly surprised.

"Oh, we had Jackie hack into your computer and set it up so it would look like you had a virus so you'd come downstairs," Marvin explained, smiling shyly.

Anti grinned, "You guys are the worst, you planned this?"

"Duh, you idiot, it's your birthday, we weren't just going to not do anything," Jackie said, punching Anti in the shoulder.

JJ smiled and signed, 'Happy birthday!'

Anti blushed again, smiling happily, "Thanks guys."

Happy Birthday to the green bean!

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