26. Bone/bones || Schneeplebro

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Henrik dropped his head onto the desk with a loud sigh. He wanted to be done with work. He sat up and stretched, standing and making his way out of his office. He went upstairs, gently opening the door to Chase's office.
"Chase?" He said quietly, not wanting to bother him.
"Yeah?" The green haired boy popped his head up from looking at his computer.
"Are you busy? I'm bored..." Henrik said nervously.
Even though it never really bothered him when Chase begged for attention while he was working, it still made him feel weird to ask.
"Nah, I'm not really doing anything," Chase hopped to his feet, practically bouncing over to Henrik, "Wanna go on a walk?"
Henrik nodded, a blush creeping up his cheeks. They grabbed their coats and headed out the door. Chase reached down and intertwined their fingers, keeping their hands warm against the cold October air. This day was especially cold, making its way into Henrik's bones, sending shivers up his back. He didn't mind though, he had always enjoyed the cold, even if it made his fingers ache and his lungs burn. Chase was practically skipping, so happy for no apparent reason. Henrik smiled, giggling quietly at Chase's adorable behavior.
Chase came up closer to him and pressed into his side, smiling up at Henrik.
Henrik smiled, "Thanks for hanging out vith me."
"Anytime Hen," Chase smiled slightly, gently kissing Henrik on the cheek.

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