7. Peaceful || Chase Brody

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Chase sat curled up in a chair in the corner of his room, listening to music with his headphones in while he read.
Today was peaceful, a rare occurrence for Chase. Today he didn't need to do anything, be anywhere, or see anyone. He could just sit and read.

He sang along with the song quietly as he read, "Gotta, gotta be down, because I want it all, it started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?"


Chase sighed and set the book down, bored with reading. He stood and grabbed a nerf gun from the floor of his bedroom, tucking it under his arm as he walked out of the room, passing the doors to Jackie and Anti's rooms as he walked downstairs. He jumped into the kitchen, firing his gun at the sliding glass door, a dart shooting out and sticking onto the glass.

"Yesssss..." Chase hissed victoriously, being careful about his volume so none of the egos would be bothered.

The front door slammed open and Chase's plastic nerf gun fell to the floor with a clatter. Anti stumbled into the house, clutching his left arm, blood dripping from in between his fingers, dropping onto the floor as he looked up at Chase with eyes filled with fear.
Well, so much for Chase's peaceful afternoon. 

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