30. Pumpkin || Marvelsepticeye

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"Hey Jackie?" Marvin called, "You got the pumpkins?"
Jackie came into the kitchen, holding two pumpkins in his arms like they were cardboard, "Yup!"
Marvin took one from Jackie, cringing at how heavy it was. He set it on the counter and grabbed a marker, starting to draw a face on it.
He finished and passed the marker to Jackie, lighting his finger with magic and tracing the outline with his finger, cutting them out. Jackie grabbed a knife and cut his out, then stepped back and compared the two.
He sighed, "Fuck you Marv, yours is better again."
Marvin giggled, getting up on his tiptoes and kissing Jackie.
Jackie smiled, kissing Marvin again, causing them to both miss the flickering lights.

(Lmao this one sucks sorry)

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