13. Sky || Marvin the Magnificent

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Marvin lay on a hill, a breeze brushing through his hair and making the long grass move in methodical waves. He stared up at the sky, watching the clouds float with the gentle wind, the smell of dirt and grass filling his nose. It was calm here. Marvin was glad he was able to get away from the chaos that was the house, almost always filled with the sounds of someone yelling, occasionally at each other. But not here. This was Marvin's spot. His little hill was on the edge of a dense forest, flowers sprinkling the grass with bright colors, yellow, purple, blue. Blue, like the sky. Marvin loved the sky, staring up into its infiniteness, the blue so thick and whole in its entirety, the never-endingness of the blue, occasionally broken up with a fluffy cloud. An impossibly large concept that wrapped around the entire world, turning different colors with the sun. Marvin felt like he could almost taste the sky, different flavors came with the different times of day. At this moment, the dense blue tasted cold, clear, calm. Like sweet water. Later with the sunset, it would taste orange; not like the fruit, like the color. It would taste orange, sweet, warm. Kind of like a peach, but less so. Marvin sighed, closing his eyes, letting the wind gently brush over his skin, tickling him. Maybe he would stay out a bit longer, he wasn't quite ready to leave this moment.

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