8. Key || Antisepticeye

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The key turned in the lock, a loud click filling the small room.
"L̸̩̰̝̈́̈́ę̸̥̪̃̔̔ť̸͎͎̠̥̎̐͐ ̷̢̙͔̑̓m̵̺̰̻̮̔̍̈́͘͝e̴̢͔͖̮̹̿͆͊̕ ̸̡̛̘̠̰̮̊̓̏ó̴͓͙ṳ̸̳̀̈́͒́͠t̸̙̬͙̳͒̔͝!̶̺̠̯̠̝̋!̶̪̚" Anti shouted, panic filling his chest as he slammed his fists into the door. The cold metal pressed against his skin as he hit the door over and over, to no avail.
Anti turned around, leaning into the door and sliding down, bringing his knees up to his chest, hiding his head in his arms, his body shaking.
He just wanted to be left alone, why did any of this have to happen?
"Please..." Anti whispered, tears streaking down his cheeks.
Something slid under the door, scraping across the concrete floor, stopping near the glitch. Anti lifted his head, wiping his face with the back of his hand, picking up the cold, metallic key.
"What the fuck?" Anti muttered, standing, gripping the key protectively.
He looked at the key in his hand, then to the keyhole in the door. It was worth a shot.
He pushed the key into the keyhole, and it slid in. He held his breath and turned it, a quiet click emanating from the lock.
"Holy shit..."
He slipped the key into his pocket, and pushed the door. It opened with a creak, the deep blackness beyond the doorway calling for Anti. 

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