27. Experiments || Antisepticeye and Chase Brody

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Anti lunged over to the light switch, flicking it off and plunging them into a dense darkness. His breath came shallowly, fear squeezing his lungs. Chase, on the other hand, had the opposite. He was practically hyperventilating.
Anti silently stepped over to him, "Hey, it's ok..." He whispered, gently reaching down and taking Chase's hand in his own.
"Try to calm down, ok? We have to stay quiet, they can't find us."
Chase's breathing gradually slowed, and Anti let out the breath he had been holding.
"T- they can't find me..." Chase said, his voice at its normal volume of almost non-existent.
"I- I know, I can't go back either..." Anti muttered, his insides churning in fear at the thought of being locked up back in his room, only to be taken out for their experiments.
They were doing something to him, he knew it. He just didn't know what. He was different than he was before. And obviously Chase was too, people weren't just born with wings or glowing eyes.
And people also didn't have permanently altered hair that was changed to always grow as green. That was the thing that bothered Anti the most. He could live with the changes they made to him, especially if he didn't need to see or use them. But if he was able to escape, every time he looked in a mirror he would be reminded of this place that had changed him. That had tortured him for years. That had experimented on him, made him... not human anymore.
He heard Chase whimper next to him and he tightened his grip on the boy's hand. No matter how hard he thought he had it, he knew Chase's situation was worse. Anti didn't even know how those fuckers even got wings onto him, but it couldn't have been pleasant, considering what they did to Anti to change him.
He was pretty sure sticking someone in a tank and ripping them apart atom by atom and rearranging them multiple times wasn't humane, or legal.
Sometimes he could still feel his atoms shifting inside of him as they changed their position, a side effect of that experiment. Sometimes they even ripped themselves out of his body then snapped back into place, giving it the effect that he was glitching. It used to hurt so bad that he would pass out for hours, but now the pain was manageable, it was getting less and less of a horrible experience with each passing month.
"Do you think it's safe?" Chase squeaked, clutching onto Anti's arm.
"I dunno, let's wait a bit longer just to be safe," Anti whispered back.
Chase made a small noise in agreement, falling silent again. Hopefully whatever the guards outside were looking for wasn't as dangerous as Anti thought it was.

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