21. Iris || Antisepticeye

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Anti held his breath, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Was he alone? What if someone responded? The silence of the room made him feel uneasy, the only sounds he could hear were his own breathing and heartbeat, and the faint alarm from out in the hall.
"I- is someone there?" He called again, his voice weak with fear.
Anti slid his hands along the cool wall, feeling for a lightswitch. He stopped as he ran his fingers along something that felt like it might be what he was looking for, just as a small voice rose from across the room.
"Are you going to hurt me?"
The voice was so quiet and afraid that somehow, it didn't surprise Anti. Like he had been expecting it.
He flicked on the light, hissing quietly as the sudden brightness blinded him temporarily. He blinked, letting his eyes adjust to the most light he'd seen in forever. Once he could finally see, he glanced over the room, looking for the source of the voice. The room was more crowded than Anti had previously thought. The small-ish room was cramped with boxes and shelves, a few bare lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. As a welcome change of pace, the room was made up entirely of exposed concrete.
A head peeked up from behind a box, before immediately ducking back down.
"Uh- Y- you can come out, I won't hurt you..." Anti said nervously.
After a second, something rustled against some cardboard boxes, and a boy about the same age as Anti stepped out, looking so scared he might pass out. He had green hair, just like Anti's, but a bit more pale, more yellow-green than Anti's bright green. He also wore the same black t-shirt and pants Anti had.
"O- oh, you're like me-" Anti said, slightly surprised.
The boy shrugged, his eyes still glued to the floor.
"What's your name?" Anti asked.
"...Chase..." The boy muttered, finally looking up at Anti.
Anti forced himself not to gasp. The irises of Chase's eyes were so bright blue, it was like they were glowing. They might actually have been.
Something behind Chase twitched and he flinched.
"Is there something behind you?" Anti asked quietly.
Chase shook his head furiously, his eyes brightening.
"You don't need to be scared, don't worry," Anti said hesitantly.
Chase sighed quietly, something stretching out behind him on either side. It took Anti a second to realize what they were.
"You have wings?" He asked excitedly, "That's amazing! All I got were stupid glitch powers that don't even work."
"A- Amazing?" Chase's quiet voice spoke up, hesitant.
"Yeah, those are epic!" Anti stepped up to Chase, the boy flinching slightly as Anti gently grabbed one of his wings, holding the very large appendage in his hands. The soft feathers were a light brown, iced with the same green as Chase's hair.
"Can you fly?"
Chase shook his head then shrugged.
"So I guess you escaped somehow too?" Anti said, letting go of Chase's wing.
The quiet boy nodded.
"Hm..." Anti muttered, trailing off in thought, "We should stick together then, maybe we can help each other."
Suddenly, the faint alarm that had been going off in the back stopped abruptly, plunging the two into a silence, so immediately thick that Anti's chest tightened with fear.
"Oh fuck, that's not good..." He muttered. 

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