20. Alarm || Antisepticeye

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Anti ran through the hall, bloody footprints following in his wake. He barely noticed the cold now, his heart racing a mile a minute. He stopped, panting desperately.
Fuckin' Jack and his asthma...
Anti leaned against the icy wall, able to regain his breathing after a few minutes.
"Ok, how am I supposed to get out of here...?" He muttered to himself, sliding down the wall and burying his face in his hands.
The hallway he was walking through seemed endless, he had no idea how long ago he had left his room, but it seemed like hours ago. His heartbeat filled his ears and his quiet breathing echoed off the metal walls, ceiling, and floor. Seriously, who makes a building completely out of metal?
A resounding shriek of an alarm blared above his head, and Anti flinched, quickly scrambling to his feet, stumbling into the wall. Light flashed from the alarm, drowning the hall in red, the light reflecting off of the shiny walls and floor, making it seem brighter than it actually was. Anti started backing down the hall, apprehensively listening for anyone coming in his direction. Did they find out about him? Was he in trouble?
Anti turned and bolted. A door caught his eye and he stopped abruptly, tripping forward and landing on his knees, a clang echoing through the narrow hall, bouncing upwards to the ceiling that was either shrouded in shadow, or so high up Anti couldn't see it.
He jumped to his feet, dashing over to the door and opening it, lunging inside and shutting the door behind him, not bothering to be quiet with it, it wasn't like anyone would hear the bang of the door over the incredibly loud alarm. Anti let out a breath, his ears still ringing with the red alarm outside, now muffled by the thick door. Anti turned to examine the room he was in, but it was pitch black. Not even a crack of light shone in from the bottom of the door.
A small skitter and crash made Anti jump.
"H- hello? Is someone there?" He called.

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