22. Bury/Buried || Jackieboy Man

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Everything was dark. The air was thick and hot, smelling heavily of earth. Jackie's eyes were open but that didn't matter, because it would look the same if his eyes were closed. He couldn't move, something was pressing in on every side, the air growing stuffier with every breath. Where was he? Would he be stuck in there forever? He lifted his hand, his fist glowing blue, before he slammed it into whatever it was boxing him in. The wood splintered, and soil poured into Jackie's little box. Jackie almost froze in fear, shoving away his terror and desperately pushing and shoving past the dirt, closing his eyes and holding his breath. Just as he felt like he couldn't hold his breath any longer, his hand burst out of the moist dirt, cool air hitting his skin. Jackie scrambled up, crawling out of the dirt that was clinging to him, trying to hold him back, pulling him back into the ground. Jackie pulled himself out, and lay on the ground, gasping for breath, his heart beating a mile a minute.
He stood, looking down at the churned earth beneath him.

Was- Was I... buried?? Jackie thought, his eyes widening.
He glanced up a bit, something having caught his eye. A polished white granite headstone sat just above where he had crawled out of. Jackie crouched down, quickly reading the inscription. He stumbled back, landing on his butt.
"N- No, th- that-" He cried in disbelief.
The inscription read;

Jackieboy Man

1990 - 2022

A hero to the very end.

Jackie scrambled to his feet, backing up slowly. It was only then that he realized that he was right in the middle of a cemetery.
"No- Nonono..." He breathed.
Jackie launched himself up into the air, rocketing away without looking back, panic making it hard for thoughts to form. He dropped in front of his house, kicking the door open.

I'll fix that later, He thought, making his way upstairs, ignoring the fact that he was trailing dirt in his wake.
He slowly opened his bedroom door. Marvin was sitting on the bed, holding something red in his hands, his back facing Jackie.

My hoodie?
Marvin was instantly attached to Jackie in a hug. Squeezing so tight Jackie could hardly breath.
"M- Marv?"
"W̶e̵ ̷t̷h̴o̷u̷g̵h̷t̴ ̵y̶o̵u̸ ̴w̶e̷r̸e̸ ̸d̴e̸a̶d̸.̵" Marvin said, looking up at Jackie, his eyes completely black.

Jackie gasped and sat up. He groaned and rubbed his face with his hands with a sigh.

Another fucking dream... How many of these has it been?
"Jackie? You ok?" Marvin slowly sat up, looking curiously at Jackie.
Jackie was about to lie and say yes, but... "Marvin, am I dead?" 

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