2. Leaf/leaves || Schneeplebro

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"Hen!!" Chase shouted as he ran down from his room to Henrik's office.

"Vhy are you shouting meine liebe?" Henrik sighed, turning away from his computer to look at his overly excited boyfriend.

"The leaves are falling!" Chase said, bouncing up and down on his heels, grinning uncontrollably.

"Zhat... tends to happen zhis time of year..."

"Yes, but I've been waiting all year for this day!"

Henrik nodded slowly, "And?"

"I get to step on them and make a pile and-" Chase started trailing off, a wistful expression crossing his face.

"Mein Gott, you're ridiculous," Henrik said with a sigh, grinning.

"Ok, you've done enough work today, come outside with me!" Chase begged, kneeling on the floor and looking up at Henrik with wide eyes, gently tugging on the sleeve of Henrik's white sweater.

"But I need to-" Henrik started.

"Please?" Chase asked quietly, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout, his pale green hair falling over one of his bright blue eyes.

Henrik sighed heavily, "Verdammt noch mal- fine."

"Yay!" Chase exclaimed, hopping to his feet and grabbing Henrik's hand, starting to pull him outside.

Upon exiting the house, Henrik began to think it was a good idea he let Chase pull him outside. It was late in the evening, golden light filtering through the trees, lighting up the yellow, orange, and red leaves like they were on fire. A slightly cool breeze brushed through Henrik's hair, and he looked over at Chase. He was grinning from ear to ear, his green hair floating around him from the breeze, his skin golden from the light.

Chase turned to look at Henrik, "See?"

Henrik nodded, smiling, "It's gorgeous."

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