16. Dragon || Schneeplebro

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Butterflies filled Henrik's stomach as he clutched the plush behind his back, half excited and half nervous. He stepped up on the porch and knocked on the door, his rapidly beating heart pulling the air from his lungs. The door opened, revealing a teen with pale green hair, his fluffy bangs showing under his light pink snapback. Light freckles dusted his cheeks, and thick lashes framed his diamond blue eyes.
"Oh, hey Hen!" He greeted his friend.
"H- Hi Chase..." Henrik blushed, ducking his head.
"Are you here for our assignment? I thought it was due in a week," Chase said, referencing the assignment for school they were working on together.
"O- oh, nein, I uh..." He trailed off, nerves getting the better of him.
Chase cocked his head to the side, a smile playing across his lips, making Henrik's heart beat faster.
"I- Just vanted to give you zhis, I guess..." He blushed, thrusting the dragon plush out in front of himself, closing his eyes and holding his breath.
"Awww!" Chase's overjoyed voice filled his ears and he let out the air he was holding, "Thanks, I love him!"
The plush was taken from his hands and Henrik opened his eyes. Chase was hugging the sparkly green dragon to his chest, grinning at Henrik, a blush forming on his cheeks.
"And... Uh... I vanted to ask you, if you vanted to uh... gotothedancevithme?" Henrik said quickly, his eyes breaking away from Chase's bright blue ones and flicking to the ground.
"Um... What was that?" The boy asked, smiling gently.
Henrik sighed, not in annoyance, but with nerves, "I... vanted to ask you if you vanted to go to the dance with me?" He asked, his voice high and nervous.
Chase's eyes widened and he flushed red, "Oh, I- Um..." He laughed nervously then nodded, "Yeah, yes."
Henrik grinned, relieved that it was over.
"And thanks for the dragon, Hen," Chase said shyly, leaning over and brushing his lips against Henrik's cheek in a small kiss.

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