Chapter 11

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The weeks passed and it was now the end of September and time for room checks. Altair was looking at his calendar and sighed he always helped with the first room checks of the semester to show the RAs what to do or give them reminders. He texted his group chat to see when everyone wanted to do them. Every RA had to pair with another RA for a buddy system. He got replies that Malik and Desmond would pair up and Ezio and Conner would be a pair. Perfect he replied. Malik and Desmond wanted to start tomorrow on Monday and Ezio and Conner starts their Tuesday.

Monday afternoon arrived and Altair met Malik and Desmond in the lobby. Malik and Desmond had clipboards and paper to tell residents what to clean up or do. Altair was hoping he didn't have to deal with any immediate write-ups with animals or underage drinking. "Hey, guys you ready?" Altair greeted them.

"Yup let's go!" Desmond smiled. Desmond liked room checks; it was fun to see residents and get to know them better.

"I guess but if I have to fight someone I will" replied Malik he was tired of having to deal with stupid residents and room checks only made that worse. Altair rolled his eyes and the trio started on Malik's floor which was the first floor.

They made it to the first room and started looking around for anything that would warrant a write-up or if they just needed a reminder to clean up. "So have you talked to Maria anymore?" Malik teased as he was writing stuff down.

"Malik don't say that residents could hear us," replied Altair.

"The residents who live here are at lacrosse practice. Are you afraid Maria might hear us through these thin walls," laughed Malik. He was glad Altair seemed to have a small crush the man needed to get laid thought Malik.

"Shut up! And no, she pretty much just hangs with her roommates and keeps to herself for the most part. I haven't had to deal with her anymore. Robert was clearly a bad influence on her," Altair had not seen her often. They would pass by occasionally and exchange pleasantries but that was about it. Honestly Altair had been so busy with the Brotherhood and his classes.

"Well, I hope we see her today so you can say hi and confess your love" smiled Malik once again teasing Altair to which Altair just rolled his eyes.

Desmond came out from one of the rooms "ohh you guys talking about Maria? Remember if she spends the night that's a conflict of interest," Desmond joked. Desmond did hope Maria and Altair did get together; he felt they would be cute as a couple.

"Can you guys shut up about Maria!" Altair snapped. At this point, it was getting ridiculous.

"Okay okay chill. Let's continue" Malik said. The rest of the checks went well and it was time for the last room on the first floor which was Maria's. Desmond knocked on the door and Evie answered it.

"Hey Desmond what's up?" smiled Evie holding the door. She also saw how Malik and Altair were there and she prayed that Maria did not do something. The last few weeks Maria had been great so Evie really hoped she did nothing drastic.

"Room checks," Desmond said in a cheerful town holding up his clipboard.

"Oh, thank god I thought Maria did something," Evie said, holding her chest.

"Excuse me! I'm right here" Maria announced. Evie let them in and everyone was there in the kitchen and common area.

"Well, we never know with you sometimes Maria" Aveline teased looking up from her book "I mean you pulled that crazy prank on Robert and the other Templars"

"Shh don't tell people" Maria hushed Aveline "what she means is that I am a pacifist," Maria looked at all of them and her gaze fell on Altair. She had seen him passing and debated if she should text him. But she knew she needed a break from dating and dating the guy in charge of the place she lived seemed like a bad idea.

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