Chapter 13

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Evie woke up ready to get the day started. Today she and the ghost club were going to a supposed haunted house and she could not wait. She walked out into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Good morning, everyone!" Evie cheerfully sang.

"You sound excited, why?" Maria responded.

"Well, the ghost club is going to a haunted house tonight and I can't wait."

"Ohh which one are you going to" Aveline asked walking in to make some breakfast

"We're going to Hades House. It was owned by a man named Hades. He was one of the wealthiest farmers in the region. Then the Civil War broke out and the Union wanted his money. So, he hid his money but was killed before he could retrieve it. They now say he wanders the property looking for it. They say you can hear someone counting money in the house. He also had a beautiful wife named Persephone and she dropped dead at the bottom of the staircase when she found out her husband was killed. So yeah, we'll be there tonight!

"gruesome" grimaced Aveline.

"Awesome," smiled Maria. Maria always loved gruesome war stories.

"Anyway, I better head to class and I also want to see if Jacob will join." Evie grabbed a pop-tart and made her way out. Classes went by fast and she texted Jacob to get lunch with her. She met Jacob at the student union and found him sitting at a table about to eat lunch.

"Hello Christmas Evie" Jacob greeted her.

"I hate that nickname," Evie complained. Jacob always used it on her and it bothered her to no end. "Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to join the Ghost Club tonight and see an actual ghost"

"Evie for the hundred time ghost are not real"

"Yes, they are. Henry bought a spirit box to try out and-"

"Wait, Henry's joining us?" Jacob asked intrigued.

"Yes and"

"Oh yes Henry, that's a fascinating idea. Oh, Henry look at this book I found and stand oh so close to me" laughed Jacob.

"I do not ughh just join us tonight" Evie stammered her face turning bright red.

"Okay, will do. I'm going to prove ghosts are not real Evie. But anyways if you go on any more wild goose chases well be in touch" Jacob hit Evie's shoulder and walked off.

"And I'll enjoy your absence" Evie whispered. So, she may or may not have liked Henry. He was just so sweet and kind to her. Evie just had no idea how to flirt or anything she was new at this dating thing.
That night
The day went by fast and now everyone except fro Kassandra was at the haunted house excited to start their quest. Kassandra was at Lacrosse practice.

"I definitely feel spirits here," Valka acknowledged as they walked in. She was always sensitive to this type of stuff. The ghost club thankfully got permission to be here from the owners just as long as they respected everything.

"I brought my Ouija board so I'm ready," Rebecca announced, holding it up.

"Alright everyone! Let's split up. Rebecca, Shawn, and Desmond take the upstairs and work with the Ouija board. Valka and Leo walk around the property and let me know where you feel a presence. Jacob, Evie and I will take the downstairs and use the spirit box after thirty minutes let's all meet back and switch places got it?" announced Henry.

"I'm sorry but isn't splitting up the worst thing you do?" argued Jacob.

"Jacob let Henry work his magic. He knows what we are doing" countered Evie.

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