~High school musical~ Ryan x Reader

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You your best friend and her brother all sat at a table for lunch. 

"Y/n your coming to our audition right" Ryan asked you

The spring musical was coming up and just like always the two would be auditioning

"Of course I am who would I be if I didnt, especially since you two are getting the part I just know it"

"Of course we are im sure we wouldnt even have to audition"

The conversation went on and on but escalated to many different things then it got to boys. Sharpay talked about how amazing and perfect Troy was while you and Ryan just listened. You tried to refrain from this topic for almost 6 years in fear it would ruin the siblings bond and you friendship with them. You liked Ryan 

"Y/n why dont you ever talk about your crush surely you have one"

"Uh no no I don-"

"Cmon of course you do youve been avoiding the question for 6 years youve never told us anything"

The two pleaded with you until you finally gave in

"Fine fine ill describe him nothing else"

Sharpay giggled and sat ready to listen. Ryan on the other hand wasnt ready, regretting his own decision to figure out who you liked. 

"Um ok um hes cute super cute, and hes kind and sweet, he knows practically everything about me what i like what i dont like hes amazing, he helps me when I need it hes-"

"I have to go auditions are gonna start" Ryan said getting up grabbing his things and leaving

"Oh uh ok see you there"

As Ryan walked off angrily hearing everything about who you liked, you stood there smiling keeping your eyes on him as he left. You then turned to Sharpay and her jaw dropped

"Hes Ryan!" She whispered 

"What wh- no of course not I wouldnt-"

"Y/n dont lie to me"

"Hmmm fine ok yes its Ryan for all these 6 years it has I never told you because I didnt think youd want me to"

Right as Sharpay was about to explain a smile appeared on her face but he bell rang. Free period officially started and they had to go to auditions. 


You watched from behind the curtains as Ryan and Sharpay danced happily on stage. The song was quite catchy and you started to hum along with it. Once they were done everyone started packing up. The twins made their way to you and you gave an excited squeal

"You two did great"

You hugged Sharpay and she hugged back and you two grabbed Ryan and left. Walkign through the halls as you and Sharpay talked Ryan then turned to you both.

"Oh shoot guys I forgot my bag and our mics in the auditorium im gonna go grab then real quick"

You both nodded and Ryan was off. Then Sharpay turned to you spinning off her heels.

"You need to tell him"

"What no i cant"

"You have to its perfect itll just be you and him in the auditorium"

"I know it wont just be me and him because your gonna be watching"

"Please, for me, and Ryan"

Before you could respond she thanked you and ran off giggling. Being left with nothing to do you ran to the auditorium. To no ones surprise Ryan was on stage packing everything up , humming the song from his audition. 

You quietly ran to the front and to the steps of the stage, walking up you started to sing to the corresponding lyrics in the song. 

"This feelings like no other, I want you to know" Ryan looked at you surprised to hear the soft voice and he started singing back 

"Ive never had someone, who knows me like you do, the way you do" The both of you harmonized but not as upbeat as the song

You made you way closer to him and took his hands in yours and smiled as you two continued to sing. 

"And ive never had someone as good for me as you, no one like you"

He let go of one of your hands and spun you around, then pulling you closer back to him taking both hands once more

"So lonely before I finally found what Ive been looking for" You moved yourself closer to him again and swung your hands together 

"Ryan I want you to know that your amazing and when you need me or my help im here"

He thought with a puzzled look on his face playfully as you continued to smile

"Wellll theres this girl and shes amazing and beautiful and I really wanna ask her out"

"Oh really now" You giggled once more as a smile came from Ryan 

"Y/n would you like to go out with me"

"I would love to"

Ryan scratched the back of his neck and smiled at the floor shyly.

"Ryan I love you"

"You do?" He asked, you chuckled and gave him a little smile

"Yes I do everything about you, your smile, your laugh, the way you always make me happy, even your dorky little hats" You say pinching the end of his hat and tweaking it down to cover his eyes a little

You both laughed as Ryan took his hat and readjusted it back to fit his head once more. 

Awkward silence then filled the auditorium as the two of you started to move your faces closer to each other. Then, feeling each others lips into a loving kiss. The kiss lasted all too short when you were interrupted by the bell. You pulled away from him waving and headed out. 

"See you Saturday night"

"Ye-yeah see ya"

Ryan stood there awestruck and celebrated quietly while you walked off practically about to burst ready to tell Sharpay that not only you kissed her brother but your crush.