Genshin - Albedo Headcanons

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- Squish his cheeks its fuckign adorable 

- He loves his hair being messed with especially braided. He will meet up with Klee and hell just have like 7 small braids in his hair 

- He doesnt like to kiss you on the lips but when he does its soft and sweet 

- Speaking of kisses he will always leave a trail of kisses. Whether its a trail on your face or your arm or just anywhere. He usually does this whenever your doing something 

- Cheek kisses>>>>>>

- Consent king. Before he does anything to you he asks whether its brushing your hair or hugging you he always wants to make sure your comfortable 

- He always listens about how your day went and he actively asks questions and engages in the conversation 

- He likes carrying you on his shoulders at first it was an adjustment but now he does it no problem and will pick you up himself

- He only has two shirts he has that isnt his regular outfit and you have one of them you wear 

- Whenever he sits on a hill to paint you sit there and watch him until you fall asleep on his shoulder

- The literal master of knowing how to help any sort of pain. If you have a headache he knows exactly what to help and what to give you. If you have a stomachache he makes everything you need and maybe goes a bit overboard. 

- God hes an excellent chef and sometimes makes breakfast for the two of you in the morning 

-(modern albedo) Hes the type to wear those short sleeve white t shirt sweater vests 

- He always makes sure you know your the only one he loves 

- Hes not the kind to hate it when you rag him shopping he actually enjoys it and actively walks around with you 

- Whenever he sees you in a room doing something he knows your busy so he just goes up to you squishes your cheeks and kisses your cheek then leaves 

- Touch starved, give him head pats or a hug or just anything. Expect him to be clingy when you try to pull away 

- Hes a neat freak and doesnt like any inch of any space you sped time together in messy even if its just a towel on the counter or a piece of clothing on the floor 

- Whenever your focused or just silent he sneakily creeps up behind you and softly whispers 'boo' in your ear to scare you because he knows your jumpy. Once he did this and you punched him 

- Would never forgive himself if he or someone else did something to you and he couldnt do anything about it 

- Kisses your hand a lot 

- He doesnt really like holding hands unless your sitting right next to each other 

- He is such a calm person the first time you changed in front of him he was completely composed and just stared for a while before turning back to his book 

- He likes pulling you into his lap and nuzzling his face into your neck

- Hes kind of pale so when he blushes its so obvious 

- He doesnt get jealous easily he knows your his but if someone does get to close for his and your liking he will step in 

- He likes walking through apple orchards 

- He doest really like bugs they disgust him 

- He doesnt liek it when you hold a stuffed animal instead of him. He will rip it from your hands and make you hold him instead 

- He likes being big spoon 

- ♡Back rubs♡

- He likes strawberry cheesecake 

- When he finds you asleep somewhere he will get a blanket and cover you in it and gives you a little kiss 

- He blushes immensely when you give him compliments 

- He likes when your sleepy, just woken up messy hair rubbing your eyes and a sleepy voice. He loves it, it makes his stomach flip 

- (modern albedo) He really likes the legend of zelda game series 

- Hes more of a summer person and he cant really stand the cold 

- Once you and Sucrose thought it was a good idea to swap some of his stuff at his desk and he ended up getting too mixed up and almost blew up the place 

- Speaking of which hes a very organized person and wont allow one flask or paper to be out of place 

- He likes classic card games