Teen Wolf ~Stiles x Reader~

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You took a deep breath of air preparing yourself in your full body mirror. Your mom was out and now was your chance to go out but there was one obstacle your brother, Scott. 

Scott wasnt the most nicest to you when it came to going out and dating, he acted as if a one year difference made him so much more superior. But now mom was out and he wouldnt be back until the next morning and if you were quiet you would be able to leave and get back. 

With your lie ready you grabbed your bag and started heading down the stairs. You did your best not to make noise and you thought you were clear until you go to the door, your hand on the knob about to turn when you heard another voice 

"Where are you going" Scott asked 

Taking a deep breathe and closing your eyes in frustration cursing yourself in your head. You turned around and maintained composure 

"Just going out me and some friends you know just a little girls night" 

Scott eyed you up and down at your outfit clearly not buying it and his overprotective mode kicking in. That was so a lie. You barely had any friends and the ones you did have never really went out much. Instead you were going to see Stiles, Scotts best friend. 

Yep that was right you were dating Stiles, almost a year now. Which means you and Stiles both have been keeping it secret from Scott because if he found out he would go ballistic especially since when you first met Scott made the rule right away he wasnt even aloud to lay a single finger on you. 

Its more laid back now your aloud to talk and hangout all together but Scott always seemed skeptical by this 

"You know moms rules no going out when shes gone"

"Yeah I know its just weve been planning this for a while please"

"No I cant do that your not going out"

Thats when you broke he got too protective at times sure sometimes you were thankful for it but sometimes it got annoying and in the way of your own personal life

"Cmon Scott please I never get to do anything please just cover for me this one time" At this point you regretted not taking the window

"No I cant and if you do ill tell mom, you cant go out just cancel do it another time" 

You let your hand go on the doorknob, furious you did your best to not completely lash out but you still wanted him to know how you feel. 

"Scott why cant you just let me do my own thing sometimes, it gets really annoying after a while you know were only a year apart its not the big a difference seriously sometimes I wish you werent so protective so I can actually have a personal life away from you" 

Scott looked at you surprised and shocked as you rolled your eyes and stomped off to your room making sure to slam the door as lightly as you could. 

Taking your phone out of your bag you texted Stiles, setting it down on your bed you began to change and get all normal again. All that time getting ready just flushed down the drain. 

You got into a sweater and some pants flopping down on your bed tying your hair up and opening up a book. Trying to cool down you lowered the brightness of your bedside lamp and snuggled under your blankets. Minutes went by like hours as you kept reading page after page when you heard a small knock on your window. 

Alarmed you set your book down and slowly made your way to your window, slightly pulling the curtain back you were shocked 

"Stiles?!" You whisper yell pulling the curtain back and opening the window 

And there he was hanging upside down from your roof in front of your window

"Stiles what are you doing" 

"Came to see you obviously, you didnt get my text"

"W-what text" You say shocked and still trying to comprehend 

"I take that as a no then" He says smiling 

You shook your head and held his face looking him in the eye

"Your such a damn idiot" You say going in for a kiss 

He began closing his eyes and going in for the kiss as well until you pull away 

"Hey cmon"

"Nope sorry" You smile teasing him

"Ok at least help me get down"

You rolled your eyes and helped him get down, it did take a while considering he was upside down. Once you got him down he quietly slipped through the window and stood next to you taking a breathe of air. 

"How do you always manage to do that to yourself" You say wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you 

"No clue" He says closing his eyes and resting his head on yours 

Thats when he finally pulled you in for a kiss. It was long and sweet as he held you close, you pulled away slightly 

"Scott is gonna kill you" 

"Not if he doesnt find out" He said pulling you back into the kiss, you could feel him smiling 

You were shortly interrupted by a knock at your door. Who else would it be but Scott
Fear rushed through the both of you and you ran around anxiously

"Uh one second don't come in" you tell frantically trying to find a place for Stiles to hide

After a bit you have him shove himself under your bed and you ran over to your door opening it out of breathe

"Hey Scott"

"Um hey are you ok" he asked as you leaned your hand against the doorframe

"Yep perfectly fine uh why did you you know why are you here"

"Oh um right yeah I wanted to apologize you know I realized you were right and you know maybe you can start doing your own thing without me so if you want you can get dressed back up and go out I'll cover you for mom"

The pure shock that was displayed on your face was genuine. This is unlike anything you have ever heard from Scott, you started stammering over your words as you began to reply

"Wow Scott that um wow but um I think I'm just going to sit here you know read my book"

"Oh um ok are you sure" he said as you were slowly closing the door

"Yep" you said as you slammed the door

You leaned your forehead on the door and took a sigh of relief. You heard the footsteps go down the stairs and you knew you were safe now

"Stiles you can-"you say turning around and Stiles was already there sitting on your bed, you smiled

He smiled too and opened his arms "Get your cute ass over here"

You giggles and ran up to him. He engulfed you in his arms as you two flopped down and rolled on the bed. You two laughed and smiled kissing him once more

"I love you Stiles"

"I love you too y/n"

This will forever be a secret from your brother and his best friend. Scott