FRIENDS ~Chandler x Reader~

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Chandler jumped at the sudden sound of his front door slamming. It was 12:36 pm who the hell could be at his door. Chandler goes out to see who it is.

"Joey I thought you were- Oh my god"

He expected it to be Joey but instead you were standing there in your pajamas crying your eyes out, or trying not to cry.

"Chandler, he...he" As you had trouble saying what you were trying to say

"Hey hey hey whats up why are you all the way out here I thought you were supposed to be with your boyfriend"

You couldnt contain your tears anymore "He cheated on me Chandler"

You ran to Chandler and wrapped your arms around him in a hug. Completely shocked it took him a second to register putting his arms around you. Once you pulled away he directed you to one of the stools at the counter and you sat down.

"Ok what happened" he said as he walked to the other side and opening the fridge

"Well um basically I was helping Pheobe with her grandmother today and we all went shopping then after that I went to Ross' apartment to help him rearrange a-and that took longer than expected so when we were done I headed over to his apartment to surprise him and i had gotten changed and everything then I went to our room and there he was doing it with another woman"

Chandler listened to everything as he got you a cup of milk and something to eat.

"Y-you know you can stay here for tonight if you need"

"You mean it?"

"No I dont get out"

Chandler still being his sarcastic self tried to lighten the mood, it made you laugh

"I-if its too much trouble I can go stay with Rach and Mon"

"No no you can stay here"

He went to the other side of the counter to meet you. Standing up and turning around you were met by Chandler. You two were so close to each other you couldnt help but lean into him more. He leaned down into you as well resulting in a long passionate kiss.

Leaning into you more he pinned you against he counter. You both pulled away and looked everywhere but each other.

"So um uh you can sleep in my room ill take the couch tonight" Chandler says going to set up his stuff

"Chandler wait" You said grabbing him back and pulling him back into the kiss

Once the kiss was broken you wrapped your arms around his neck and this time directly looked at him

"Chandler I, i really like you ok"

He gave no response he just looked shocked

"Wait wait so let me get this straight you like me?"

You nod. Before you could respond back he kissed you once more. One hand in your hair another on your waist, your arms wrapped around his neck.

"I-im sorry I shouldnt have"

"Why not if anything tonight was great i dumped my lying cheating ex kissed the guy I like 3 times its perfect"

"Uh wow I guess your not mad about the whole cheating thing anymore"

"Nah I got you now plus she wasnt even pretty, she looked like a clown that got hitched off to the circus but on the way there she got mauled by a bear"

"This is exactly why I love you"

And with that he picked you up and carried you to his room. Flopping you down on his bed you both got under the sheets and cuddled close to one another. From time to time he would wipe your tears and cure your little sniffles, moving the hair from your eyes.

"*yawn* Goodnight chandler"

"Goodnight y/n" he said as you slowly fell asleep


The next morning you go out into the living room to see Joey in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Morning Joey"

Joey turned his attention towards you, smirking he looked you up and down

"Someone had a fun night"

You look down at yourself to see what he was talking about. You looked down remembering you were wearing one of Chandlers shirts. Joeys remark couldnt help but make you flustered since that wasnt what happened at all.

"Uh I uh no no thats not what"

Chandler then came running out of his room fixing up his tie. He seemed panicked and in a hurry 

"Im late for work I gotta go" Quickly he grabbed his keys kissed your forehead and headed for the door

"Bye love you see you later" 

You waved goodbye as he left and turning back around to see Joey smirking. Embarrassed you went and got dressed and went on for your day