What its like dating Jonathan Byers

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- Makes you breakfast
-Not a big PDA person but will kiss or hug you in public if he has to (aka when he gets jealous)
-He likes holding your face and just looking into your eyes it makes him feel loved
-Likes playing with your hair
-He likes when you play with his hair
-You and Will are besties
-He takes photos regardless whether you know about it or not
-When hes done taking photos each week he hangs some on the wall and the rest are in a box under his bed so he has some for safe keeping and some to see everyday
-Hes a cuddle bug
-He likes to cuddle after long days with his arms wrapped around you tight his head on your stomach and you playing with his hair
-It is pure instinct for this man to cling onto you while you sleep
-He cares about your safety ore than anything
-Joyce adores you and always invites you for dinner and family gatherings
-He has trouble sleeping so the first time you slept cuddling that was the best night of sleep he had had in a long time
-You were the first person to treat him like he wasnt a freak
-When you stole his hoodie for the first time it ended up in a friendly chase around the house and it ended in a tickle fight
-Jamming out in the car on the way to school
-He never understood what love was until he saw the smile on your face when you two were in the darkroom together looking at photos
-Slowdancing to music Joyce plays on the record player>>>>>>
-It took him awhile to get comfortable with you around his family
-When he did Will playfully showed his disgust when you two kissed or said sappy things
-You sit out on his porch with him watching the rain
-Your jealous of Nancy
-Hes jealous of Steve
-Forehead kisses 
- "If anything ever happens you know im here for you ok"
-Helps you with nightmares and holds you gently
-For your birthday he gets you a collage of pictures he took of the two of you and he took you out to see a a movie
-Whenever your mad or upset an he doesnt know what to do he asks Will for help 
-You two draw on each others hand when you sit together in class
-Matching halloween costumes