The Maze Runner ~Newt x Reader~

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You and Newt had always been best of buddies. And when you started dating he was even more perfect then you could ever imagine he was protective and kind and a bit clingy which you loved. 

But sometimes he got just a tad upset and unbelievable when it did come to him being clingy and protective but for good reason. When you came up in the box it was scary and loud and shook you to your very core more than the others. 

When the box was opened with a bunch of cackling boys and realizing you were the only girl you hid in one of the corners clutching your arms together until a tall blonde boy jumped into the box and told everyone to fuck off leaving it just being you too. 

Gally wasnt the nicest to you when you came up and he really triggered your anxiety especially since for a while you didnt really talk. You met Alby and they had a special hut made for you and no boys were aloud to enter under any circumstance which for a while Newt obeyed the rule especially since it was for your own privacy reasons but when you two became closer and started dating it was as if the rule was nonexistent. 

But you and the rest of the boys learned to coexist (if you could even call it that) even if you were a girl. 

Even though he didnt seem possessive or clingy in front of the other Gladers when you went to the forest together or your hut he was the sweetest thing. 
Today you and Minoh were messing around before it was time to go out into the Maze since your job now was a Runner, Newt hated the idea of you going out into the maze but with some convincing allowed it. 

"Ok ok um truth or dare" Minoh asks getting you two back on track 

"Hmm you know what dare" Minoh gave a smirk and leaned himself on the table 

"Ignore Newt for a week" 

"Ok cmon Minoh thats a bit overkill you cant do that to him" If anything the tone in your voice signified more worry for Newt than it did your own sanity 

"Ok fine a day"

"Hmm that I can do" 

You hated the sound of this especially since you knew Newt waited for you each day to come back and when you did he was just glad to see you all in one piece. 

Checking your watches you and Minoh headed out to the Maze gates and when they opened you darted out into the maze 


Everyone crowded around the maze doors waiting for them to open awaiting your return and when they opened there you two were unharmed and out of breathe. Newt took a sigh of relief and went in for his hug and kiss as he usually did. 

But instead of embracing him you just started to stretch out your arms in circles and walked right past him walking to the woods with Minoh to the runners hut. Not thinking much of it and just thinking you were a little tired he followed you. 

You and Minoh entered the hut as Newt waited outside leaning up against the wall with one leg up near the entrance so he couldnt miss you. When you entered and took off your stuff you turned to see Minoh trying so hard not the laugh 

"Did you see him Y/n he looks like a lost puppy dog this is great" 

"No its not hes hurt now I have to explain to him this was all just a a joke" 

"You know Y/n since we were practically gone all day you have to do this tomorrow too" 

"What no you cant do that" You said in defeat

"Its my dare" He said leaving you in the hut by yourself

Knowing Minoh wasnt going to give up anytime soon you just decided to go along with it. When Minoh went outside he was going to go get something to eat when Newt stopped him