IT Headcanons

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- After Georgie died Bill would make paper boats and put them all over his room and sometimes visited Georgies grave to put one there for him, if you walked into his room he at least has 20 

- Stanley tried straightening his hair once when he found his moms hair straightener since he didnt know how to use it he burned himself and it didnt turn out so good  

- Ben loves dogs especially small tiny fluffy ones 

- Richie has Eddie clean his glasses because he cant do it at least not as good as Eddie can, so sometimes in his fanny pack Eddie carries glasses cleaner 

- Bill hates the color yellow, it reminds him of Georgies raincoat 

- Beverly hates riding bikes, but she does anyways 

- For the longest time Eddie didnt know how to swim because how as afraid of what might have been in the water and never learned 

- Mrs K does Eddies hair, she finally stopped after Eddie snapped at her saying it was embarrassing 

- Ben made a whole mixtape of songs that reminded him of everyone and listened to them even after he moved out of Derry 

- Stanley always carries chapstick, it really annoys him when his lips are chapped so he always has one in his pocket 

- Mike really likes photography 

- Stanley actually finds Richie funny but refuses to give him a high five about them because he tries to convince him hes really not 

- For a long time Beverly was really insecure about her red hair not just because of her dad and the way he treated her but also because there werent many red heads in Derry so most of the girls made fun of her 'strange' hair color 

- Bill took a spanish class in school once but failed because of his stutter 

- Eddie had a really girlish scream and of course Richie teased him about it 

- Mike loves kids like little children, he never had siblings of his own so when he met other people that did he was really touched and really liked them because of this Bill always tells him he wouldve loved to meet Georgie 

- After IT was gone Stanleys worst fear became spiders because he finally had convinced his parents to get rid of that old painting 

- Beverly likes braiding everyones hair, once everyone is sitting after a nice swim at the quarry as everyone is talking she will just sit and braid everyones hair and none of them mind it except for Eddie who of course is afraid of germs 

- Mike doesnt like reading he cant stand it 

- Richie was once in band 

- Ben loves poetry hes a poet (as weve seen a lil bit) 

- Richie used to get bullied for wearing glasses all the time especially by bowers so one time he had to go to the ER because he got a contact lens stuck in his eye

- Eddie thinks coffee is gross 

- Beverly really likes french toast so one time at a big sleepover with the losers before she woke up everyone decided to surprise her with a big french toast breakfast 

- Bill was so afraid of the dark after IT but didnt tell anyone because he didnt want to get made fun of 

- Richie loves comic con he goes all out in star wars and lord of the rings cosplay and drags Eddie along with him 

- Eddie on the other hand hates comic con, he thinks there too many weird people and way too many germs so he makes sure to bring all his fanny packs and he keep Richie in check to make sure he doesnt do anything stupid