Maze Runner ~Thomas x sister reader~ PART1

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I just would like to clarify that even though it says x reader THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE STORY there will be no incest here thats a no no just clarifying for those who may have been confused. But anyways this story was requested by @ScorchedThomas26 thank you so much for requesting this may have been the best story ive ever written im so invested and I hope you are too

Thomas POV

There I was sitting in the infirmary sitting down after getting all checked up, we had all just arrived there me, Newt, Frypan, Teresa, and Minoh. I looked around at everyone Minoh on the tred mill, Newt being given some shots, Frypan somewhere else out of my sight and strangely a female doctor pulling back the curtains to talk to Teresa. 

I didnt think much of it but it did stick out to me. After the doctor was done with me he went over to do something else, I look down in my hand lightly caressing the wood of a small figure made by Chuck. I felt guilt well up in my heart I wish I couldve taken him with me maybe he woudve gotten the help he needed. Who am I kidding I have to stop thinking about him and Gally too, along with Alby Ben, Zart every glader. 

That was when someone else approached me 


"Um yes" I said 

"Come with me" He said, I stood up and he started walking me to someplace else 

I was lead to a room made out of concrete, they had me sit there for a little bit staring at the lights and walls and weirdly a camera too. When I heard a loud noise coming from the door and in walked Janson the man who led us here after the helicopter ride from the maze

"Thomas thank you for seeing me" He said sitting down in the chair across from me "Sorry for the inconvenience I was hoping we'd get a moment to chat in private away from the others" He smiles 

There was something about it that was unsettling

"Well I wont take up too much of your time I really only have one question" He paused and I glared at him something about all this

"What do you remember about WCKED" I kept staring at him this whole thing was unpleasent

"Your not in trouble were just having a conversation Im just trying to understand"

"Understand what" I finally asked, I felt this pit feeling in my stomach as if it just dropped 

"Whos side are you on"

I sat there looking at him then slowly down to the table, somethign about this was telling me I knew but still I was so confused but then I remebered the maze and all those weird visions I had

"I remember I used to work for WCKED, I remember they sent me to the maze I remember watching my friends die in front of me" I felt like everything came out all the lives of everyone I put at risk not being able to help the feeling as if it was my fault

"Im on their side"

"Interesting" he said not taking his gaze off me "You say you worked for WCKED they sent you into the maze why would they do something like that"

I was quick to answer "I dont know maybe you should ask them before they killed them all"

He smiled once again and leaned back in his chair, something didnt seem right 

"Ill be sure to keep that in mind and, enjoy the rest of your stay" He said getting up but somehting didnt stick right 

"Wait thats it"

"Yep that was all I needed to know, you and your friends have all been clear to join the others soon youll all be moving on to greener pastures"

"Wait" I asked as he was about to step out the door "Others?"