Maze runner ~Newt x reader~

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Ik im doing a lot of maze runner recently but like can you blame me 
Newt is just perfection and I love him hes hot and im not wrong 

It was dark and hot and sweaty you could feel your arms and back banging up against what felt like metal. You could see flashes of red and white as this..thing propelled you upwards to who knows where. Soon it came to a sudden stop you clutched your side where you had the most pain from the trip up. 

Not even having a minute to recuperate you then saw a big flash of light as the top was opened. Letting your eyes adjust you saw a herd of boy towering over you. Scared yet unable to move yet you hide behind one of the boxes inside next to you and shielded your eyes from everyone staring at you. Then a loud bang followed by someone yelling shut everyone up. 

"Everyone stop! Look" One of the boys said as he jumped into the box like thing with you

Everyone moved their heads around to look at you as they all realized. You were a girl 

The boy who jumped in with you crouched down to meet your eyes. He held out his hand as you hesitantly took it, he pulled you up to your feet and it was then you noticed his features. 

He was tall and had blonde hair, paler skin the the rest of the boys you had seen and he had a small smile. His clothes were a bit dirty and ragged like the rest of the boys. You stared at him intently still scared and confused of where you were at. You snapped out of your thoughts when you looked up at the rest of the boys right then realizing your the only girl. 

You cling onto the boys sleeve and pull yourself slightly behind him. He looked back at you over his shoulder before getting out of the box helping you out. Everyone crowds around you when you feel another sharp pain in your side again. 

Almost falling back to the ground the boy caught you and held you up and he went a took you to a small hut like structure. He sat you down on one of the beds as two other boys came in. The one who helped you sat by one as one of the others grabbed something from a cabinet and went back to you. 

"D-do you mind lifting your shirt up just a bit" he asked mumbling a bit at the awkward question 

You looked at the boy next to you and he nodded signaling it was ok. You nod back at him and lift up your shirt a bit so he could help you. 

"Dont worry its ok some of us got a bit hurt coming up in the box too, Im Newt"

You stayed silent as the other boy finished helping you another one enetered and held out his hand to you

"Hey greenie im Alby im in charge here"Newt here is second in command hell show you around tell you how everything works"

Newt stood up and held his hand out to you again pulling you back up and walking out of the hut. He led you to a very tall pile looking thing of sticks and wood for platforms and ramps that led all the way up. 

You and Newt sat down looking out at everything. Then he explained everything to you

"This is the glade everyone here has a job from taking care of the food to running through the maze which brings me to my next point our number 1 rule, dont go past those walls if your not a runner"

You continue to listen to him talk about the glade and how everything ran

"Now whats your name"

Your name, you then started to think when you first got there you hadnt even thought about your name but now you couldn't remember. You shook your head not able to remember

"Thats ok most of us dont remember our own names when we first get here it comes to us eventually, can you talk?"

You nod again but still didnt say anything