IT ~Richie x Eddie~

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"You know if trees could talk im sure they could eat you too" Richie said picking up a nearby stick along the dirt path

"Shut the fuck up Richie" Eddie looked at him concerned and disgusted as he tried not to think of the fact Richie just pointed out 

The losers club was taking a small weekend trip in the nearby woods of Derry. Eddies mom was hesitant at first but since everyone else was going she decided that maybe Eddie would be safe (good going mrs K) 

It was about noon and the rest of the losers has sent Richie and Eddie to go get firewood for the fire they were going to have that night. Unfortunately if Eddie had the choice he wouldve stayed at the tent but was last to vote not to go and was stuck with Richie. 

"What afraid the trees might eat you like I ate your mom last night" Richie said making a horrible comeback 

"Shut up Richie just shut up" Eddie said completely annoyed with Richie 

Richie shrugged his shoulder. For a while the walk was quiet as Eddie picked up and examined logs for how dry they were and if they were infested with bugs. Putting the wooden log in his arms with the rest Eddie turned to look at Richie

"Ok RIchie I think this is good- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" He asked and Richie was bent down by a tree stump

It was covered in mushrooms and moss in tangled branches. Richie turns to look innocently at Eddie as he dropped all the logs on the ground next to him

"What" Richie said poking and touching some of the mushrooms 

"Your touching them ew dont touch them" Eddie said as Richie turned his foot on the ground to get up and move towards Eddie 

"What these" Richie said pointing at them, Eddie nodded and Richies face lit up with a smirk 

"What they arent gonna hurt you, afraid of disease Eddie" Richie said picking one of the mushrooms and waving it in Eddies face. 

Stepping back revolted, Eddie dug his hand into his fanny pack pulling out a small pack of what seemed to be baby wipes. He pulled one out of the pack and reached his arm out to Richie still not taking a step closer 

"Drop the mushroom and here take this, do you know how many poisonous mushrooms there are"

Richie rolled his eyes dropping the mushroom and taking the wipe in his hands. Eddie felt a shiver run down his spine as he shook his head and picked up the wood once more making sure to hold it at a safe arm distance away from his shirt. 

Richie hesitantly wiped his hands and shoved the dirty wipe in his pocket. Walking behind Eddie he began to make aware of his surroundings. He noticed the tall trees, the sound of the nearby river, the way the leaves crunched under his shoes, and most importantly who was standing in front of him. 

Richie smiled but was quick to shake his head in annoyance. To get his mind off of it he noticed a decently sized mud puddle. 

"Hey Ed's" Eddie rolled his eyes, he hated the nickname or at least he convinced himself 

"What do you want Richie" He said turning to where the sound of his friends voice, his eyes immediately went wide 

There Richie was with a handful of mud from the puddle behind him 

"Richie what the hell oh my god put that down" Eddie said backing away to the opposite side of the puddle

"Its not that bad just a bit of mud" Richie said smiling and lunged forward but stopped as if he was going to throw the mud at him 

Eddie flinched and backed away again "Do you now how many germs that can have how many animals couldve rolled through that and those animals could have diseases too some carry it in there fur-" Eddies quick rant was cut short by his girlish scream