IT ~Richie x reader~

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"So what do you wanna do tomorrow"

The boys said as they put on their empty backpacks

"Start my training" Richie said fixing his glasses

"Training?" Eddie questions

"Street fighter" Richie replied

"Really that's how your gonna spend your summer inside of an arcade" Eddie asks

Richie fixed his glasses and looked Eddie dead in the eye as if he was hurt but then-

"Well beats spending it inside of your mother" amazed at his own joke a gasp of awe came from him lifting his hand for a high five

Stanley was quick to put it down and discourage Richie

"Why don't we go to the quarry"

"Yeah sure why not"

"Hey why don't we do something right now all of us it's summer break stay out as long as we want"

Eddie have Richie a weird look, he didn't like the idea of staying out so late

"Can't not for ton long anyways" Stanley says as the four of them began walking

"Why not' Bill asked

"My sister's coming back in town today"

Everyone was shocked they didn't know Stanley had a sister. Although it was not all Stanley didn't talk about it you left years ago to go study abroad you were always against the idea but you had no choice.

Then Stan met everyone else Richie, Eddie and Bill and for a while he kind of just forgot but still sent letters every once in a while

"Excuse me you have a sister" Eddie asked

"Yeah I do I just don't talk about her she went to study abroad couple years ago but now she's back"

"Heh is she hot" Richie asked chuckling

Stan looked at him "I'm not answering that question"

"Shut up Richie" Eddie added on to Stan

"Anyways yeah I have to be back home in time when she gets there"

Everyone sighed, maybe they would hang out tomorrow then and wait to go exploring. That's when Richie had an idea

"Hey why doesnt she come with us"

Stan looked at him as if he was crazy he wouldn't trust Richie around anyone new let alone his sister

"Hm I don't know"

"Yeah c'mon i-i-invite her we c-can finally meet her" Bill added he personally thought it was a good idea

Stan sighed

"Fine I guess I'll go get her then she might be home by the time I get there"

Everyone mentally celebrated.


Stanley entered his home closing the door behind him then hearing his father's voice from atop the stairs.

"Stanley" he looked up

"Is she here?" His father didn't even have to answer that question

You popped out from behind him excitedly and Stan's face light up. You ran down the stairs quickly and Stan hugged you

"Your back, how was school"

You laughed "Dad's gonna get mad if I say what I actually think" you whispered but then your tone when all happy and high again