IT ~Bill x Reader

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It was a gloomy day in Derry. A small flood was happening throughout the neighborhood and it had been raining all day. You and your boyfriend Bill had plans to go out this week but the rain delayed that then Bill got sick. 

Sitting at home in bed was no fun so you decided why not go to Bill instead. You knocked on the Denbrough's front door a container in one hand and an open umbrella in the other. You heard the faint sound of the piano playing but it came to a sudden stop when you heard footsteps to the door. 

It opened

"Hello Mrs Denbrough" You say with a smile 

"Hello dear what are you doing out you might catch a col come inside" She says moving herself out of the way of the door for you 

"Thank you" 

You say getting inside and closing up the umbrella and setting it down next to the door

"What brings you here" She says guiding you out into the hallway away from the door 

"Just came to bring Bill something I feel bad for him being sick so I brought him some soup" You say holding up the container 

"How sweet hes just upstairs" She said smiling going back to the piano in the other room 

"Thank you" You call out taking yourself up the stairs 

You walked up the stairs as the sounds of the rain danced around with the sweet melody of the piano. Soon the piano began to fade out as the rain continued to thump on the windows. You reached Bills room to see the door slightly cracked open. 

Pushing it open with one hand you see Bill sitting at his desk. Georgie was right next to him an arm wrapped around Bills back his head resting on his shoulder. You stood in the doorway smiling watching as Bill handed Georgie a paper boat. 

"S-s-shes all ready" Bill said handing him the boat 

"She?" Georgie asked 

"M-most call boats s-she" Bill said smiling, Georgie returned it and pulled him into a hug 

"Thanks Bill" He said 

The hug lasted a couple seconds before Bill pulled his arms back and tickled Georgie's sides making him giggle. You walked into the room and set down the contained on the bedside table catching Bill and Georgies attention

"H-h-hey y/n" Bill said as Georgie went over to you 

"Hey y/n look what Bill made me" He said showing his paper boat up to you 

"Thats really cool" You say smiling as Georgie waved bye and ran out the room down the stairs. You made your way over to Bill and took off your jacket 

"I-i thought you w-werent co-coming" He says turning around in his chair 

"I wasnt but I felt bad you were sick so I decided id come over" You say ruffling your hand through his hair pulling it away from his eyes

He gave a smile closing his eyes and you pulled away going to the other side of the room. 

"Geez Bill cant suffice to clean up a bit" You joked, he rolled his eyes and gets up from the chair 

He pushed in his chair and looked out the window his walkie talkie in his hand waiting for Georgie to get out there. As he was turned away you took this as the perfect opportunity to take something of his. You rummaged through his closet until you found a shirt and took off yours quickly replacing it with his to make sure he or no one else saw. You set your shirt down on the chair and went back over to Bill

"Be careful" Bill said into his walkie talkie

You look out to window to see Georgie waving to you guys, you gave a small wave back. Turning back to Bill he began to start coughing slightly

"You ok Bill" You say putting your hand on his shoulder 

"Y-yea im ok" He said going back over to his bed pushing off papers and tissues into the basket at the edge of the bed. 

"Well uh I brought you some soup I hope it helps if im being honest im not sure if it will just worrying and thinking maybe you just needed something warm or-" 

You cut your babbling short when you noticed Bill with his chin in his hand just staring at you. You sat down at the foot of the bed and stared back 

"D-did I did something wrong" You ask he sits up and smiles 

"No o-of course not I-i just l-like listening t-to you" He says, you smile and scoot closer to him thats when he took a closer look at you and laughed 

"H-hey that m-m-mine" He says pointing to the shirt 

"Yeah I know" You say laughing back

You ruffled your hands through his hair again and kissed his forehead. 

"I love you Billy boy" He laughed at his nickname 

"I-i love y-you too" He says smiling