HP ~Neville x Reader~

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There you were sitting in a corner, your knees tucked in and your face hidden. Crying.

The Yule ball was not how you expected it to go. You shouldve taken the first sign hogwarts gave you, which was Neville asking Ginny out to the Yule ball.

You had a crush on the beautiful most precious boy you knew. But after tonight you didnt think he liked you back. You had to watch all night as the boy you loved smiled and danced with your sister.

yes Ginny was your sister, you were Rons twin. everyone found it amazing and almost impossible that two sets of twins were born into the weasly family.

Although your sister was going to probably start dating the boy you had been in love with since first year, you werent going to break them up of get between them at all and if that meant crying your heart out then so be it.

All you hoped was Ron never found out, he was quite protective when it came to things such as this.

Back in the ball room Neville went up to Harry and Ron.

"Hey guys wheres-"

"Great going Neville" Ron said looking up at him

"What do you mean"

"Y/n left, because of you, she walked out crying" Ron stood up to meet Neville

Neville backed away from Ron keeping his head down.

"And its your fault, you made her cry"

"Ron!" Harry exclaimed standing up next to him grabbing onto his arm

Harry and Ron left leaving Neville confused. After a few moments he realized why. He ran out of the ballroom looking for you with tears in his eyes. He shouldn't have asked Ginny out, he wanted to go with you he always did yet he was scared.

You were the most beautiful girl he has ever met, so kind and sweet always made sure he was ok and never ever made fun of him. He didnt deserve you, but now he hurt you. He soon found you crying in your dress holding your shoes in your hands.


Realizing the voice your heart broke.

"Go away I just wanna be alone"

"Y/n I know what I did and im so sorry" You stayed silent

You heard him sit next to you. He tucked in his legs too and looked at you

"Y/n ever since I found out about the Yule ball I wanted to take you I did, but I-i was scared you wouldnt say yes, and even taking you dress shopping and figuring out hair ideas for you ive always wanted to ask you"

He listed memories of the two of you preparing for the ball. The one that stuck out to you the most was dress shopping. that one was your favorite. You and Neville had went to hogsmade to help you pick out a dress.

Picking out a couple you decided to try them on as Neville sat outside the dressing room. A coupe stood out to you but the one you liked the most was the last one. As you finished putting it on and looking in the mirror, you stepped out.

Slowly stepping out of the dressing room you reveal yourself. Neville stood up to greet you with his mouth wide open. He kept telling you how beautiful you looked and how your future date (hoping it would be him) would be so lucky.

But now crying here in the corner you came to hate the dress.

"Y/n please look up at me" In that moment you wanted to tell him how much you loved him

"No! im going to go leave me alone please" You stood up and walked away to the girls dorm

Getting to the dorms you slam the door behind you, Ginny and Hermoine were already there. Flopping on your bed you shove your head into a pillow and start crying again.

Ginny and Hermoine start comforting you and you didnt stop them. Both knew you liked Neville. And you learned that Ginny didnt like him and that all Neville do was talk about you all night and how he was too nervous to ask you. You felt so horrible.

He tried to make things right and you pushed him away. Soon you found yourself fast asleep on hermoines shoulder in your dress.


A few days go by and you still hadnt talked to Neville. Today was different though

You were walking outside to go to the black lake for an assignment but were met by someone unexpected.

"Y/n wait" He stops in front you you with his hands behind his back blocking your path

"What Neville" That hurt him

You always called him Nev. Neville took a deep breath.

"Y/n please you have to listen to me-"

"No Neville, you understand why im hurt so why cant you give me some space"

He stayed quiet and kept his head down then his hands came creeping from behind him. Soon revealing a bouquet of your favorite flowers. You mouth went open as he handed them to you, you uncrossed your arms and relaxed in confusion.


"Y/n I really really like you and I was too scared to ask you I really wanted to but I just couldnt, because I dont think I deserve someone as great as you"

He hands you the flowers once more and you take them, admiring them. He takes one of your hands in his.

"Will you follow me"

You reluctantly nod and he takes you. He tells you to close your eyes once you get there and you soon hear him tell you to open your eyes. When you do a beautiful sight had been revealed, there were fairy lights and snacks layed out on a blanket spread out in the grass and everything.

You look over at Neville and he had his hand out in front for you to take.

"May I, since you didnt exactly get the dance you planned"

Remembering his confession at the Yule ball and just a few minutes ago you start to tear up, does this mean he likes you too.

Instead of taking his hand, you jump into his arms and kiss him. Realizing what you did you pull away real fast and avoid eye contact.

"I-im sorry"

"Dont be" a slight blush creeped on his face and he looked away too

"Nev I really really like you too so much im so sorry I was mad at you I had no reason too"

"You didnt do anything wrong it was me who did something wrong so dont be sorry please"

He gave you a smile and you two made up. Even started dating he was the best boyfriend ever still and probably even more sweet than he had ever been before. all your dreams had come true of him holding you in his arms or having picnics after school