Stranger Things ~Dustin x Reader~

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You stood with Will, Mike, Lucas and Max as you waited for Dustin. You didnt exactly have a date per say but for a while you had a crush on him convincing yourself it was just a small one but you fell head over heels for him. 

Soon Dustin came and he was made his way over to you guys confident and with a big dumb smile on his face with his hair slicked back. 

"Holy shit what did you do to your hair"


They all said as they went up to Dustin 

"Hey cmon this took a while leave it alone, Dustin's eyes made his way to you as he saw how beautiful you looked and before he could think you went up to him to 

"I think you look nice" You said with a smile 

Remembering Steves advice Dustin straightened himself out and pretended not to care about what you said and was about to say something when the mood of the music changed, you all looked up then around as everyone paired up with someone. Lucas swept Max away and Will took another girl out to dance. 

Dustin then looked away and made his way over to a group of girls. You saw the look in his eyes when he saw Lucas with Max, you saddened up and prepared yourself to watch Dustin dance with another girl. 

"You should ask him to dance maybe hed want to" Mike said turning to you 

"You dont get it Mike," You took a pause "He likes Max but since Lucas is with her hes gonna find someone who can step up to her level"

Mike turned back to look at everyone when you get up and leave 

"Im gonna get a drink"

With that you made your way to the drink and snacks table where Nancy was and got a cup of punch. You went off to the side near Nancy and took a sip as you watched Dustin get rejected by every girl he went to, it broke your heart. 

"You should ask him to dance" Nancy said bumping your shoulder 

"i dont know about that Nance"

"Cmon I can see it its not just breaking him but you too"

You looked back over to Dustin across the gymnasium he looked like he was about to cry. You put your cup down and ran over to him, Nancy smiling happy with your decision. 

You ran over to Dustin grabbing his hand before he could get to the bleachers and cry. You dragged him out to the dance floor and stopped giving a moment to wrap your arms around his neck. 

Dustin looked beyond shocked and it took him a minute to process to hold you back, when he did you took a big step closer. Your bodies almost touching you swayed and danced to the rhythm of the music.

"Thanks Y/n"

"Mhm of course, anytime" You said softly under your breathe

You pull yourself closer again resting your head on his chest as you continue to dance, Dustin loosened up and watched everyone else in the crowd. The song was almost over by now and you were looking straight back at Dustin. Ignoring all the snickers and mean looks you then leaned up placing a kiss on his cheek. 

Dustin lit up and smiled widely 

"Aww see theres that smile again" You said teasing 

"Cmon shut up"

"You know there are some girls out there who think your amazing the way you are"

Referring to yourself, you looked down embarrassed as you play with your fingers your arms still wrapped around his neck. 

"You think so?" He asked, you looked back up 

"Yeah of course I do, with that being said" You said your hands making their way to Dustins hair and tangling your fingers through it ruffling it up again 

"I liked your hair just the way it was you dont need any of that stuff Steve told you to use"

"Wait how did you-"

"I was kind of there when he told you what to use remember when we were trying to catch Dart"

Dustin looked down shyly, you giggled and put your arms back on his shoulders

"You dork"

The snow ball would forever be a night to remember