Haikyuu ~Kenma x reader~

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Its been hours and still Kenma didnt lay a single eye on you, even when he talked to you it was brief and he never broke his eyes from the screen. At this point it was starting to piss you off all you wanted was some attention and the cat was surely not doing it for you right now. 

"Babyyy" You say flopping onto a bean bag chair that was placed next to Kenma

Kenma quickly muted himself from everyone else int he game still not taking his eyes off the game "Yes pudding"

"When are you gonna be done im bored I want cuddles"

"Uh maybe later let me finish this"

"Ken you said that and hour ago and the hour before that and the hour before that"

But before he could respond to you he unmuted himself and kept playing. Flipping from your stomach to your back you slumped down on the bean bag chair. Moments later Kenmas cat came cuddling in your lap purring and begging for pets. 

"At least youll give me attention" You mumble petting the cat

Then you got an idea. Kenma hasnt eaten for hours he must be starving, why not make him something. Something he couldnt resist eating so he would have to pause his game. You sprung up from the bean bag chair startling the cat and you ran off to the kitchen. Kenma after hours finally took a glance up from his game and gave a confused look as to where you went. 


You pulled the apple pie out of the oven and set it down on the cooling rack. Surely Kenmas could smell it by now it was amazing, you knew Kenma liked apple pie so finally he had to give you attention. Pulling off your apron and waiting for the pie to cool you prepared a plate. 

Once it was done you happily took the plate to Kenma. Knocking on the door lightly to get his attention he quickly muted himself again

"Whats up"

"I made pie you want some"

"Not hungry, thanks though"

What? How can he not be hungry he hasnt eaten since the night before although this was just a distraction to get him to pay attention to you at that point you were a little worried. 

"Are you sure you havent eaten at all yet"

"Yep im fine thanks" He said unmuting himself once more 

You stepped out of the room and pouted. It didnt work when it was supposed to. Heading back to the kitchen you set the plate down and rested your arms on the counter as the cat had already been on the counter waiting for you to pet him again. 

"You got any ideas" You say as the cat happily pushed himself into your hand, giving him pets and scratches behind his ear. 

"What if I annoy him to death surely hell get off right, who am I kidding im talking to a cat"

With that you go back to the game room Kenma still there glued to the screen. You go up behind him and hug him resting your head on his back. Kenma took notice of this and muted himself once more

"Yes baby"

"Can I have attention now please" You say mumbling into his clothes 


He says focusing once more on his game so nothing happens. You go up to rest yourself on his shoulder and you take both of your hands and tangle them in his hair tying it up and playing with it making small braids

"Y/n please your gonna mess me up"

"Please kenma, you havent eaten you havent slept and you havent even looked at me since ive been here"

Kenma didnt say anything just unmuted himself 

"Fine since your game is more important than me" You huff and walk off to the bedroom. 

Kenma froze. His mic was unmuted and everyone on had heard how much of a jerk he was being even kenma himself then realized. Once in the bedroom you covered yourself in blankets and pillows and starts scrolling on your phone. 

You could hear the muffled voices of talking from the room next to you, you knew it was kenma obviously talking to hinata, kuroo and who knows who else on the call. You couldnt make out exactly what they were saying or talking about but surely it was way more important than giving his own s/o attention

"Thanks guys Im gonna go talk to her now see you later" You heard Kenma say loudly, and suddenly the humming of the console stopped and so did the sound of the controller

It was just silent. Thats when moments later Kenma came in with two plate sin his hands.

"Hey" He said with a small smile, you glanced at him only to glare and look back at your phone 

"You um you hungry"

"No." You said coldly grabbing a plushie and start cuddling with it 

 Kenma came in and set the plates down, he kneeled down by the edge of the bed and rested his arms on the side making sure he was in front of you. 

"You wanna talk about it" You shook your head and hid your face behind your phone and blanket

"Look I was being a jerk I know and Im really sorry please just look at me"

He got no response. Thats when Kenma really realized what it felt like to be ignored and what he did to you for several hours. But given that he had to give you a round of applause it had only been a couple minutes of him being ignored and he couldnt stand it he needed you already and for you to endure this for hours, he was kind of impressed

"Does this mean im sleeping alone tonight" He asks and you finally put your phone down 

"I just wanted attention..." You say with uncertainty 

"I know pudding, im sorry I was a total jerk" He said placing a hand on your cheeks and brushing your hair back

"You wanna cuddle now" He asks

You shrug, you didnt know if you wanted to cuddle him or not yeah sure he was making up for what he did but you were still hurt. Silence filled the room and there wasnt a single sound but the cat purring right next to you melting into your touch

Thats when Kenma got a bit jealous, not only of his own cat but the fact you were cuddling an inanimate object rather than him. He grabbed the plush and threw it across the room 

"Hey what the he-"

"Thats my spot" He said climbing under the covers and wrapping his arms around you. 

You didnt have the heart to scold him, he was too pure and had been glued to you, there was no getting him off now. You embraced him back shoving your face into his chest breathing in his scent and your arms being too short to almost wrap around him from his heavy hoodie. 

"Am I forgiven now" Kenma asks resting his head on top of you sleepily whispering to you 

"Your forgiven" You whisper back the both of you soon falling asleep once again