Chapter 12 - Alex - The First Meeting

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"WAKE UP, PERCY!" came the voice of Annabeth as I woke up, still feeling sleepy. "WAKE UP!" I turned away, my eyes still closed and continued to snore, and I heard in the background, "PERCY, KRONOS IS BACK!"

Silence. Snores filled the room. I was on the verge of going back into my deep sleep.


"WHAT?!!" boomed Percy's voice, "NO!!"

I don't remember what happened after that because I'd gone back to sleep, until-

"WAKE UP, ALEX!" Annabeth called, and I stirred slightly, but not enough to actually wake up. "WAKE UP! THE MONSTERS ARE HERE!"

I grunted, and turned around, still dissolved in my dream. I'd been at the mess hall having the feast of my dreams.

"Alex," Percy called sleepily, "we've got vanilla lattes at the dining pavilion for breakfast."

"Wait, what?" I asked, completely awake. "Really?"

"No, I was just kidding," Percy said, yawning.

"Both of you," Annabeth said, huffing, "are insane!"

"Don't, you're making me blush," I said, getting up.

"That was not a compliment!" Annabeth announced. 

"Oh, sorry, we thought the other way round," Percy said, smirking.

Annabeth sighed. "Chiron has called for a counsellor's meeting. Since you're twins, both of you have to attend," she said, stressing on the words 'have to.' She went away muttering something about 'siblings'.

Percy and I got up, yawning and scratching our heads respectively, washed up, pulled on some decent looking clothes instead of pajamas, and headed for breakfast, had an apple and toast, and then, we went to the Big House.

"Mr. D, Chiron, and the other Camp Half-Blood staff members meet with the cabin counselors here," Percy explained as we stepped in. "Also, it serves its purpose as the camp's infirmary, which is needed quite often. There are four floors including a basement and an attic and our security, Argus, and Chiron live here."

"This," Percy said as we entered a room, "is the Rec room, and also where we hold meetings."

Sitting around a large ping-pong table were the people whom I could only assume to the head counsellors of their respective cabins. Two empty blue chairs were reserved where Percy and I sat.

"Alex, this is Clarisse, from the Ares cabin," Percy introduced me to a girl the height of a basketball player and with the build of a boxer. She was sitting on a red chair.

"Ares, as in- the god of war?" I asked, stretching my hand to shake hers.

Clarisse looked at me with a suspicious eye. "Got a problem with that?" she asked.

"Nah, just wanted to confirm if you really were the most wicked person round here," I said, smiling. "The good kind of wicked."

Clarisse seemed happy with that answer, and turned away, smirking.

"Close save," Percy whispered in my ear, grinning, and I nodded.

He then introduced me to Drew Tanaka of the Aphrodite cabin, who was making sure her make up looked perfect, Connor and Travis Stoll from Hermes cabin, they were planning to take down the world, apparently, Castor from the Dionysus Cabin, whose lips were red from drinking too much kool aid, Clovis from the Hypnos Cabin, whom Percy had to shake awake, Laurel and Holly Victor from the Nike Cabin, they were fighting about who had the best-looking book, Lou Ellen from the Hecate Cabin, who was trying to make herself invisible with the Mist in vain, Nyssa Barresa from the Hephaestus cabin, who was fidgeting with gears and springs, Will Solace from Apollo Cabin, who was reading a book about healing and finally, Miranda Gardiner from the Demeter cabin, who was throwing seeds on to the ground from the window and trying to make them grow. By the time Chiron had arrived, I was tired from shaking hands.

Apparently Chiron had just called us all to announce that the Capture the Flag games will only occur on Saturday and that on Friday we could all go to the city for a while, because why not. Athena and Poseidon cabin were usually allies, and continued to remain so while Ares went with the Apollo guys.

Later, Percy and I trained with our weapons. His sword was apparently called 'Riptide.' I stared at the sword in wonder, looking at it's hilt where the name was written in Greek.

"What's yours?" He asked, and I brought out my trident. 

"I have no idea." I tossed the weapon at him.

"It's terribly well balanced," he remarked, twirling it in his hand.

"Works for me," I remarked at Riptide. It was slightly too light for me to handle. "I wouldn't take it into battle though."

Percy huffed. "Hey, look at that!" he said, running his fingers across the body of my trident. "Stormbringer," he read in Ancient Greek. He looked up at me, smiling. "Worthy of a daughter of Poseidon," he said, and threw it at me as I threw the sword at him to catch.

"Ready?" I asked, smirking.

"You bet," Percy said, ready to attack.

Sword and trident clanged as we fought. People from the other cabins crowded around us, staring in excited amusement. I tripped Percy with my trident, but he balanced himself quickly, turning to attack. He stared at my face and attacked my lower body, trying to confuse me, but of course, that didn't work.

At last, after two hours as lunch came, Chiron forced us to stop fighting and dragged us to the mess hall as he lectured us about missing classes like Greek history and whatnot. Percy mouthed Chiron's words behind his back, rolling his eyes, almost as though he'd been through the same thing before itself.

"And," Chiron said as he finished his lecture, "don't even think about making fun of me, Percy."

"Oh, absolutely, sir," Percy said, saluting. "Wouldn't even dream of it."

Chiron looked at us with narrow eyes. And then he turned around and trotted away. Percy rolled his eyes again.

"Hey, he's not so bad," I said, elbowing him the stomach.

"Oh, yeah, he's loads better than Mr.D, but the number of times he's given me that same lecture is just- ugh." Percy said, and I grinned at him in understanding.

"So," I said, taking up my goblet (which was currently filled with mango lassi, an orange drink that Annabeth had introduced me to) "Whatcha gonna do tomorrow when we go to the city?"

"I was gonna ask you the same thing," Percy replied, his mouth full of potato fries.

"Nothing, really. I don't really know anything about New York so..." my voice trailed off, and I turned back to the steak.

"Well, mom asked me to invite you," Percy said super-casually, as though he'd already mentioned it a hundred times. He stuffed four fries in to his mouth at the same time. "She already loves you and she doesn't even know you yet." It was difficult to make out the words as he talked now. "Be sh do caz y' no yo doterf posiden," he said, and I nodded, pretending to understand.

He swallowed. "So you are coming?"

"That's a question I needn't answer," I said, smiling. "I think any woman would want to meet the greatest inspiration for all, Sally Jackson."

Percy nodded vigorously, beaming. He did like to talk about his mother a lot and he did so very often. And she seemed like a really great person, from what I'd heard. 


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