Chapter 58 - Rachel - A Meeting With Romans

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Alrighty, Rachel here. 

With Alex by our side, CHB had never been safer. Everyday monsters tried to pour in, only to be burnt into ashes. Even Cyclopes weren't an exception. 

To part the fire, someone on the inside of the Camp had to request the fire very calmly and with thanks to give way. And believe when I say it, the Ares Cabin learnt a lot of things from it.

As soon as the message came from Annabeth, I had a letter sent to Reyna. Premonition after premonition rushed into my head. New prophecies seemed to want to get out from my body, and as soon as they came, they went away.

Finally, Reyna agreed to meet us.

After a thousand pleas to the fire, Grover and I left for our rendezvous with the Romans.  

On the roof of the building stood the Romans as we entered: an array of demigods in combat armor, their Imperial gold weapons and shields glinting in the dark. 

In the center of the line stood Reyna, her metal dogs Aurum and Argentum at her side. I stepped forward, my eyes fixed on Reyna. "You got my message."

Octavian, a small, thin boy snorted. "That's the only reason you made it this far alive, Graecus. I hope you've come to discuss surrender terms."

"Octavian..." Reyna warned.

"At least search them!" Octavian protested.

"No need," Reyna said, studying me. "Do you bring weapons?"

I shrugged. "I hit Kronos in the eye with this hairbrush once. Otherwise, no." 

The Romans didn't seem to know what to make of that. I smirked.

"And your friend?" Reyna nodded to the satyr. "I thought you were coming alone."

"This is Grover Underwood," I said. "He's a leader of the Council."

"What council?" Octavian demanded.

"Cloven Elders, man." Grover's voice was high and reedy, as if he were terrified. "Seriously, don't you Romans have nature and trees and stuff? I've got some news you need to hear. Plus, I'm a card-carrying protector. I'm here to, you know, protect Rachel."

Reyna looked like she was trying not to smile. "But no weapons?"

"Just the pipes." Grover's expression became wistful. "Percy always said my cover of 'Born to be Wild' should count as a dangerous weapon, but I don't think it's that bad."

Octavian sneered. "Another friend of Percy Jackson. That's all I need to hear."

Reyna held up her hand for silence. Her gold and silver dogs sniffed the air, but they remained calm and attentive at her side.

"So far, our guests speak the truth," Reyna said. "Be warned, Rachel and Grover, if you start to lie, this conversation will not go well for you. Say what you came to say."

From my jeans pocket, I dug out a piece of paper like a napkin. "A message. From Annabeth."

Lightning flickered over the Empire State Building, making the Romans' armor flash.

Reyna took the note. As she read it, her eyebrows crept higher. Her mouth parted in shock. Finally, she looked up at me. "Is this a joke?"

"I wish," I said. "They're really in Tartarus."

"But how—"

"I don't know. The note appeared in the sacrificial fire at our dining pavilion. That's Annabeth's handwriting. She asks for you by name."

Octavian stirred. "Tartarus? What do you mean?"

Reyna handed him the letter.

Octavian muttered as he read: "Rome, Arachne, Athena—Athena Parthenos?" He looked around in outrage, as if waiting for someone to contradict what he was reading. "A Greek trick! Greeks are infamous for their tricks!"

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