Chapter 83 - Alex - Awkward Discussions

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I woke up to two sea green eyes staring down at me. 

I jolted awake and hit my head on Percy's. 

"What?" I asked my brother, rubbing my forehead. "What are you doing here?"

Percy shrugged. "Dad told me you had been asleep for four days straight. Just wanted to check up on you."

"FOUR DAYS?" I yelled at him. 

Percy shot me an angry look that said: It's not my fault.

"Sorry," I corrected myself. "But four days?"

"Yeah," Percy replied, scratching his head. "After the... um..."

"You can call it a engagement, sure," I said, rolling my eyes.

Percy's lips became a thin line. "Yeah, after that, you just became really weak. Dad wondered whether you'd need any nectar or something, but I guess four days of sleep works as well. Your wounds are completely cured, according to Amphitrite."

I looked down at where the wound had once been. I didn't feel anything abnormal or out of the ordinary. I got out of the bed and put my legs down. The cold abalone sent shivers up my spine. 

"Yeah," I told him. "I feel so much better now. I could work a full five-hour day."

Percy frowned. "Only one?"

"One is more than enough for now," I said, getting up. 

Immediately, I lost my balance and fell on my brother. Percy tutted loudly and put me back on my bed.

"You still need to heal- just a bit," Percy told me. 

His face looked worried. He didn't look like he'd eaten for days.

"Don't worry, brother mine," I said softly. "I'll be fine. Besides, what could happen to a goddess?"

"Yeah, except dying in mortal form when everyone has forgotten them and then fading from reality, forever."

I pouted. "Don't be so sour."

"I'm not."

"Sure you aren't."

Percy sighed. "Look, I just wanted you to know that if you do something like that ever again- at least let me know."

"Hmmm... Why?"

"Mom was really worried for the last two hours you'd gone. And even though Dad told us you were okay- she was really worried. She told me to check up on you."

"So, I'm in a bit of trouble with Mom?"

"Bit? Oh no, young lady, she's going to kill you."

"I think I'm going to move into my own apartment very soon," I said, smirking.

"She'll get over there and murder you."

I smiled, ready to retort to that statement. "I-"

Someone knocked on the door. 

Percy got up from his chair. "I'll see who it is."

On the other side stood Jason. I don't know how he was breathing underwater, but hey, whatever floats his boat.

"Uh..." he started. "I..."


Percy cleared his throat loudly. "I... I'll give you to some time alone, yeah?" 

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks."

Percy looked back at me, nodded.

Jason nodded at Percy and closed the door behind him as he left. He sighed, then looked to me. 

"Hi," he said.

I smiled a bit. "Morning."

Jason smiled a bit. He walked to the chair next to my bed and sat down. "It's afternoon, actually."

"Oh." I rose from my bed and sat up straight. "Well, it's morning to me, anyway."

Jason nodded. "Just heard you woke up."


"Feeling okay?"

I dangled my legs down the bed. "Better than okay. I'll be fit as a fiddle in probably a day or two."

Jason's eyes gleamed. Was he crying? "I was really worried."

"I know," I said, looking up at him. I took his hand in mine and pressed it to my cheek. "But hey, we're good now. That's what matters, isn't it?"

He sniffed slightly. "I know, I know. Just- don't you ever do anything like that again."

"Why is everyone saying the same thing to me?" I asked, pouting.

Jason laughed- a genuine, beautiful laugh. I wanted to hug him that very moment.  "You're so adorable," he said in between fits of laughter. 

"I can be evil too," I said, feeling challenged. 

"Sure, I feel like I'm talking to a cupcake with rainbow sprinkles."


Both of us spilled into laughter. I don't know where he got that comparison from, but I was truly shocked. It was kind of insulting but complementing at the same time.

Jason smiled at me. He opened his palm. "What do we do with this?" he asked, pointing to the ring Hera had given him. 'Jason' was inscribed on it.

I opened my side desk drawer and pulled mine out. 

"Well, we're only engaged by Greek standards," I said. "We could wait until we're actually ready for legal marriage, if we want it and then exchange these rings. They're kinda cute."

"I was thinking the same thing. Except we'll just have this with each other. Let's not wear them just yet." 

I took the ring in his hand and slipped it onto my necklace. "There," I said. "Now I have a part of you with me." 

Jason smiled and took the ring in my hand and slipped on to his CHB necklace. 

"I think it looks lovely," he remarked.

I smiled. I pulled him to me and pressed my lips to his. He smelled like the fresh, unpolluted air. He felt like crackling energy. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and my heart was beating so fast I thought it might just jump out.

"So do I," I said, pulling away.

He and I held hands for a really long time, just looking at each other's faces. Now that I think about it, it might have been kinda creepy if someone had seen us that way.

"I hate Hera," Jason finally said. "Couldn't have just waited a little more time, could she?"

"I mean, I understand. We just got together," I said, trying not to be too harsh on the Queen goddess. "But Jason, she loves you like a mother does her kid, I suppose."

"Yeah, right."

"Okay, maybe not that much, but losing you would be a great loss for her," I said, smiling. "And I just think- maybe she wanted to- you know- celebrate her 'no loss' with the one thing she finds very interesting. Marriage."

Jason remained quiet for a while, revolving in his deep thoughts.

"That makes sense," he said finally. "But that doesn't mean I'll forgive her."

"You don't have to."

Jason smiled. 

 "I'd totally join you as you rest, but I think your Dad will kill me if I do that," he said.

"Ah, first you have to go through Percy," I said. "I'm pretty sure he'll be lurking somewhere nearby with his sword at the ready to kill you if needed."

"What a wonderful family."

"I know right?"


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