Chapter 126 - Alex - Defense Against The Dark Arts

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After a slightly burned potion from Jason and perfect two golden yellow potions from Percy and I, Snape let us go for our next test, Divination with Trelawney.

"Come in, come in, my dears," the professor beckoned us as we climbed the step ladder to the classroom. To my surprise, the classroom was full. Parvati and Lavender were whispering to each other, staring at Percy and my soot covered robes. It wasn't easy brewing the Euphoria potion. Harry and Ron were looking at us with interest.

I was instantly reminded of a large, glittering insect. Her large glasses magnified her eyes to several times their natural size, and she was draped in gauzy, spangled shawl. "I have been waiting for the three of you for a long time."

"You have?" Jason asked, an eyebrow raised. 

"Of course. Welcome. How nice to see you in the physical world at last. My name is Professor Trelawney. I will be conducting a small test, if you wouldn't mind, now." 

"Yeah, no matter," Percy said. 

"Just a few questions. Who can study the art of Divination, Ms. Marine?"

 "Only those who have the Sight, and the power of the Inner Eye," I said.

"Good. Mr. Jackson, how does one crystal gaze?"

"One must broaden their mind and allow their eyes to see past the mundane," Percy answered at once.

 "Excellent. Mr. Grace. What does the an acorn symbolize in a tea cup?"

"A windfall, unexpected gold," Jason answered.

"And the Sun?"

"Great happiness."

"Good, good. Very well. I suppose that will be all."

"Wait, seriously?" Percy asked.

"Very well, you can go now," Professor Trelawney told the class and us.

Feeling surprised, we left the classroom with Harry and Ron by our sides. "What did Snape do?" Ron asked.

"Told us to brew a potion we've never done before," Percy replied. "But he gave us instructions. It was so difficult." 

"We're going to defense too," Harry said. "I don't think Umbridge'll be just as lenient as Trelawney, though. Hermione was saying we'd have to be careful."

As we entered the class, we saw Professor Umbridge already seated at the desk, wearing the fluffy pink cardigan of the night before and the black velvet bow on top of her head. The class was quiet as it entered the room.

Percy, Jason and I walked up to Umbridge. "Professor-"

"Yes, new students?" Umbridge asked, smiling in a sickly sweet way. 


"Not to worry, you can sit down. I want to address the class first."

With raised eyebrows, I sat next to Hermione, who sat in front of Harry and Ron. Percy and Jason sat behind Harry and Ron.

"Well, good afternoon!" she said, when finally the whole class had sat down.

A few people mumbled 'good afternoon' in reply.

"Tut, tut," said Professor Umbridge. "That won't do, now, will it? I should like you, please, to reply 'Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge'. One more time, please. Good afternoon, class!"

"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge," we chanted back at her.

"There, now," said Professor Umbridge sweetly. "That wasn't too difficult, was it? Wands away and quills out, please."

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