Chapter 149 - Percy - Weasley is our King

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Everyone was wearing red and gold. EVERYONE.

"I hate red," I groaned as Alex painted my face in the color. 

"Shut up," she smirked. "At least you look good."

Her face was half red and half yellow, and she was wearing a large red and gold scarf. "There we are."

Annabeth snorted loudly. She was wearing a golden top with sparkly red pants. What an odd pair. She'd used red eyeshadow on one eye and gold on the other. "You look great," she said sarcastically.

I looked in the mirror. Alex had painted a my face like that of a lion. I grinned. "Not bad." 

"Here they come!" Jason shouted, as Harry and the rest of the Gryffindor team made way to the table.

The table roared and cheered. Harry was grinning wide as he joined Alex, Jason and I. "You look awesome, dude," he told Jason, who had painted a golden snitch on his cheekbones and the rest of his face was red.

Jason grinned in response. "You better catch it, Wonder Boy."

Although they had received a rousing welcome at the Gryffindor table, it seemed far from raising Ron's spirits; the cheers seemed to sap the last of his morale; he collapsed on to the nearest bench looking as though he were facing his final meal.

"I must've been mental to do this," he said in a croaky whisper. "Mental."

"Don't be thick," said Harry firmly, passing him a choice of cereals, "you're going to be fine. It's normal to be nervous."

"I'm rubbish," croaked Ron. "I'm lousy. I can't play to save my life. What was I thinking?"

"Get a grip," said Harry sternly. "Look at that save you made with your foot the other day, even Fred and George said it was brilliant."

Ron turned a tortured face to Harry.

"That was an accident," he whispered miserably. "I didn't mean to do it--I slipped off my broom when none of you were looking and when I was trying to get back on I kicked the Quaffle by accident."

Alex snorted loudly, and covered it up with a cough.

"Well," said Harry, recovering quickly from this unpleasant surprise, "a few more accidents like that and the game's in the bag, isn't it?"

Hermione and Ginny sat down opposite us, wearing red and gold scarves, gloves and rosettes.

"How're you feeling?" Ginny asked Ron, who was now staring into the dregs of milk at the bottom of his empty cereal bowl as though seriously considering attempting to drown himself in them.

"He's just nervous," said Harry.

"Well, that's a good sign, I never feel you perform as well in exams if you're not a bit nervous," said Hermione heartily.

"Hello," said a vague and dreamy voice from behind me. I looked up: Luna Lovegood had drifted over from the Ravenclaw table. Many people were staring at her and a few were openly laughing and pointing; she had managed to procure a hat shaped like a life-size lion's head, which was perched precariously on her head.

"I'm supporting Gryffindor," said Luna, pointing unnecessarily at her hat. "Look what it does..."

She reached up and tapped the hat with her wand. It opened its mouth wide and gave an extremely realistic roar that made everyone in the vicinity jump.

"It's good, isn't it?" said Luna happily. "I wanted to have it chewing up a serpent to represent Slytherin, you know, but there wasn't time. Anyway... good luck, Ronald!"

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