Chapter 41 - Reyna - I Save Rome for the Umpteenth Time

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So, hi! This is Reyna, and sorry for the lousy intro. And sorry you had to hear Alex all this time. She can be a bad narrator at times, so I gonna just take over here.

When Alexandra Marine was condemned to death, I did not realize what a big mistake we'd done. And when Octavian threw that knife, I knew we were doomed. That's how quick you can realize mistakes.

Terminus was still shouting. The shore miles away seemed to crash with the senate house, and the sky filled with dark bellied clouds as I peeked outside. To be honest, it was the only time I ever felt truly scared.

Alexandra pounded her trident to the ground two times. Her person was glowing, and she radiated a sort of power that I had never- NEVER seen before.

All Romans screamed loudly.

Personally, I enjoyed seeing Octavian fall to his knees while screaming.

I took out my sword, hoping that I could fight the girl whom I thought was a monster. C'mon, lady that powerful, radiates power, probably a spy? Anybody would think she was a monster.

And then, she raised her hand. For the first time in my life, I saw her holding a conch that was rather small. The most singular thing about the conch was that it glowed a soft silver. She put it to her lips and blew.

The sword in my hand fell with a loud clutter. Waves of sheer, bloody panic filled my head. Scenes of terror and war clouded my vision, and I felt dizzy. 

Everybody in the hall howled with agony, almost as though they were writhing in pain. Even Terminus, whose magnified voice could be heard all over the city, was sobbing. I fell to my knees, and I knew that my life was over. The monster was going to kill all of us.

I cursed Mars in my head. Seriously? She was supposed to help us?

I wasn't scared for myself. I'd gladly give up this body, but I'd taken an oath to protect my people. I couldn't let them die. I who was, is and will forever remain praetor in the minds of the demigods my age. I was not going to give in without a fight.

My insides squirming with pain, I looked up and Alexandra with squinted eyes. Her whole form now glowed brighter, and behind her stood not one, not two, but twelve figures, each of them glowing as she did. Only their dark shadows were cast into my iris. Alexandra still blew on the conch, not knowing what was happening behind her.

The twelve figures were weaponed heavily, some carrying bows, some carrying tridents, and some even followed by a great number of magnificent beasts like wolves and lions.

The power was overwhelming. And yet, my will to save my community held me up. I struggled to my knees, and reached for my sword.

And at that very moment, Alexandra Marine looked up. When she opened her eyes, they glowed a deep blue, much clearer than her normal bluish-gray. They were as clear and beautiful as the deep and yet clear ocean. Her armor glistened, and her long hair which had been in a bun was hanging freely, now a loose braid. 

Her appearance reminded me of the sea, ever so calm and yet when provoked it can swallow you whole and leave no trace. Thunder rumbled in the sky.

"Romans!" Alexandra bellowed. "You have displeased the gods and betrayed your own kind! I, Alexandra, therefore curse you to live in the same hell that you give to this earth!"

And then I realized what a big mistake we had done again, condemning Alexandra to death. We had provoked not a demigod, but a child of Neptune. Neptune was known for being that fearful. No wonder we were going to live in hell.

I stood up, still shaking. Many Romans had fainted. Octavian had fell to the ground face first was bleeding from his forehead. The ones that still were awake were either sobbing or had plugged their ears with fingers. The ghosts seemed petrified.

"My lady," I trembled. "I, Reyna, Praetor of Camp Jupiter and also the one who condemned you to a death sentence, hereby give myself to you in the hope that my sacrifice will keep my kin away from your curse. I beg of you, curse me alone and leave these people. They are innocent and are not worthy of it."

The look of Alexandra's face softened. Her angry face became calmer. The glowing armor disappeared, and she was now wearing a long red Greek-style robe under a deep blue hooded cloak with full sleeves. She still held her trident and conch in palms that were painted in a deep red, but the weapons were not glowing as they had when she was angry.

She let out a small sigh, and touched my cheek with the conch, and energy rushed through my body. Immediately, I felt like getting and standing up on my feet, but I still kneeled down. She was not ordinary. She was special, and she deserved to be respected.

"Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, daughter of Bellona. As the goddess of sacrifice, I am extremely pleased by your act. As a boon, I grant you this: your kin shall only suffer as long as the Earth Mother attempts to waken. When she is destroyed, Camp Jupiter shall be restored with peace, and it shall prosper better than ever."

The figures that stood behind Alexandra were far now.

"We, the Olympians, accept your word, Alexandra," a man's voice boomed. "When Gaea is defeated, the Romans shall prosper. Good luck."

And they vanished.

Alexandra then smiled. It was not a grin, not a smirk, but a small smile. The trident and conch vanished too, and on her neck was now a glowing necklace with at least seven charms, all probably magical. But at the center was a glowing purple stone that emitting an aura so powerful that I may have lost my eyes just looking upon it.

She raised her hand, and green magic emerged from her hand. She cast it into the room and around us. As the power hit me, I instantly felt better. It was like drinking a large bottleful of nectar with no side effects, and it was wonderful.

"Rise, hero, and tend to your men," she said. "I have healed many, but they will not remember what had happened very well. Do not let anyone know truly of me, or Rome shall pay the price of being destroyed and lost in history forever."

Saying thus, she promptly fell to the ground and fainted.

The next part was most difficult. I had to wake everyone. I made up the story that Juno herself appeared in front of me and threatened to destroy our civilization if we killed Alexandra and assured me that she was no spy.

They found it not very hard to believe, except in the case of Octavian. He still seemed to have his suspicions, but did not say them out loud, at least not to me.



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