Chapter 99 - Alex - The Advance Guard

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Mrs. Weasley was screaming.

Like, panic screaming. Not anger screaming.

Alright, maybe she was angry that I had told her that Harry had been expelled from Hogwarts by singing a song. But hey, at least Apollo's proud.

She stormed around the house, scratching her head from time to time and looking out the window, as though expecting a big space rock to hit her in the face any moment then.

If I hadn't actually been there to witness it, I'd have laughed.

Mrs. Weasley was a terror when she was angry.

Percy and I decided to give the lady a rest and make dinner for the day. 

Mrs. Weasley just watched through the window in the kitchen as she sat on a chair in the corner, knitting jumpers for Christmas.

Once in a while, she'd sniff the air, as though she'd just smelled something really weird, turn to the stoves, watch as we cooked for exactly three minutes and thirty seconds, turn around and get back to knitting and looking out the window.

It was not a lovely scene.

When the letter from Dumbledore finally arrived, saying that Dumbledore had somehow gotten an approval for a hearing, Mrs. Weasley jumped. She squealed in delight, hugging every person within ten feet of her, which included my brother and me. 

Sirius was particularly happy about Harry, food and the hug. Dude seemed like he needed A LOT of emotional support. Thank the Gods for Will. 

During the next three days, meetings of the Order of the Phoenix were held rather continuously. People would pop out and in, some whom we knew, some totally unknown faces. Nico slipped in through the shadows once in a while and got us updates about the meetings.

The Order was planning to rescue/kidnap Harry Potter from Number 4, Privet Drive in the next two days. The operation was to be headed by Mad Eye Moody.

"Moody?!" asked Percy in shock. "Why?"

I shrugged. "I've always found his aura to be very strong."

"Maybe they find him most... capable," Annabeth said. 

 Jason snorted. "Have you seen the guy? He trash talks trash bins to make sure they're not imposters."

Will nodded. "If only he'd take my medicine, I could cure almost all of those scars and wounds." He sighed. "Wizards and their love for scars. Gods help them."

All of us nodded in agreement.

"Besides," Annabeth said, "he still hates us."

"I don't see why he can't believe us," Percy said. "Maybe Hecate can help with that?"

I shook my head. "Hecate can control the magic in her descendants, but not their personalities. That's why she was able to block out images of Invisible Annabeth and Nico from his magical eye." I smiled. "Imagine Poseidon deciding whether I love rock music or pop music."

"Wait," Will said, "do you like rock music or pop?"

"Why d'you ask?"

"Just want to know whether I live with deadbeat criminals or nice people."

"Rock all the way."

Will nodded. "Good choice."

"Wait," Nico said, pouting. "It's not that bad, especially electro pop."

Will frowned and took a step back from Nico. He did an ancient gesture to ward off evil. "Who are you and what have you done to Nico Di Angelo?"

Nico laughed.

"But seriously," Annabeth interrupted, "we can't just ignore the Dementor attack."

"Maybe we should add it to a list," Jason said. "Like, everything that's gone wrong this year."

Percy considered this. "He's got a point," he said. "maybe it can help us connect the dots, so to speak."

"Maybe we'll be able to figure it out as time passes," I added, nodding. "But it needs to be very secret. If any of those Weasley kids or that Granger girl or even Sirius find it out, we're done."

Will nodded. "I'll keep it. Being a doctor cum therapist means keeping many secrets," he said. "I've basically got a degree in that. We'll call it the 'Black Book of Hecate'."

A moment of silence passed as we stared at Will, in shock with his choice of name.

And then Nico giggled. Loud laughter followed as we all joined.

"Where do you get these names from, Will?" I asked, shaking.

Will shrugged, a wicked smile on his face. "What can I say? I'm just a downright Slytherin."

That got more laughs.

"I see you'll fit right into Hogwarts culture, Will," Annabeth said, smiling.

"Even better than Annabeth does," Percy said, "and she's always the best at adapting."

"Like I said," said Nico, "something has happened to my love Will." He held Will's face next to his and examined his head. 

"Do you think he hit his head somewhere?" I asked.

"What?" Jason asked. "Will? Gone 'bonkers'?"

"I mean, there are chances of that as well," Percy nodded with a sarcastic smile.

"True, true," the rest of us chorused in agreement.

Nico looked up. "He's definitely having a concussion, yeah."

Will slapped away his boyfriend's arms, pouting. "Oh, shut up." He mumbled something about sending us all down to the Underworld and getting Hades to make some new punishment.

Nico grinned. "I don't think my Dad would punish me, Will."

Will grumbled something again, his arms crossed over his chest, and his normally glowing face now red.

On August 6, a team of more than six people left the house at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. Mad Eye gave us one last angry look, trash talked the door and the portrait of Mrs. Weasley, and led out Remus Lupin, a really nice man, who just happened to be a werewolf, Tonks, a very trusting Metamorphoses- Metamor-something. (Someone who can change their appearance easily at will), and some other people who really weren't much of a big deal to us, no offense to Kingsley Shacklebolt or the others.

"I'm watching you," Mad-Eye growled at me, putting two fingers to his eyes and then pointing it to me, a universal symbol for what he had told me. He snapped around and walked out the door.

Ron, Fred, George and Hermione gave me an uneasy look of nervousness, while Tonks and Remus looked at me with pity. Percy patted my shoulder and joined me as I smirked at Mad-Eye as he left.

"We'll see, old man," I muttered as the door closed behind us.

Molly gave a confused look. I snapped my fingers. The Mist clouded her judgment at once. 

"You heard nothing," I whispered.

"Of course," she mumbled. Molly turned and walked to the kitchen and got to making dinner at once.

Annabeth nodded. "Good choice."

"Can't leave any space for any doubt," I muttered.  I hooked my hands my brother's and Jason's arm each. 

I closed my eyes. 

The vast expanse of space flickered before my eyes. 

I saw Ouranos and Gaea, Chronos (not the Titan), Tartarus, and finally, the gloomy and yet intriguing image of Chaos.  

I opened my eyes. "I'm hungry."

"Starving," Jason said. "I'll go make us a bowl of instant soup?"

"Sure. Thanks, hon."

"Don't mention it." He smiled and walked to the kitchen. Percy and I took a deep breath, nodded at each other and climbed up the stairs, awaiting further news about the arrival of the 'Advance Guard'.


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