Chapter 115 - Alex - Experiencing the Past in 420K

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A single tear fell on the wood. 

I felt angry. I wanted to run away. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all, if only he'd listen to me about it. I wanted to break all the dishware that had been arranged on the table neatly. I closed my eyes tight. 

A voice called out my name, but it was distant, as though the speaker was standing a hundred miles away.

Anyway, I didn't want to hear it. I was fed up of him trying to convince me that it was the best way.

"Ah, there you are," he said, his voice closer now. "I was beginning to think... well, never mind."

His warm hands touched my shoulders. He pressed slightly, and released my shoulders.

"Look," he started after a moment of silence. "I-" He sighed.

I heard the sound of a chair being dragged towards me. A few footsteps followed.

I wished he'd just go away. I wanted to be alone. His palm grazed my cheek. As much as I loved his touch, I really didn't want to lose this game. No, I won't wake up, I decided.

"Look," he said, trying his best to make his voice sound pleading, "I- I just want you to know.. there really is no other way, love."

That was it. 

"Really?" I snapped at him, getting up from the chair and pushing away from the table where I putting my head down, pretending to be asleep. "Because I see many more possibilities than just- I don't even want to say it out loud! How could even think of something like that?"

Alexander had had long and wavy hair up to his chin length back then. He looked like he had a permanent job at the sea, his skin extremely tan, his blonde hair almost always ruffled. I liked that look so much. If he hadn't been wearing a deep purple chiton embroidered on the edges with pure gold below his chlamys, people would think he was a nomad or something.

He spread his arms wide. "Look," he reasoned, "I've always let you make your own decisions and I've never interfered in the matters of Gaea or Ouranos or anyone else. When it comes to our home, however, I'm afraid I will protect Chaos with every last ounce of energy I have. And I won't hesitate to destroy anything that tries to tear us down, Irene."

"How are you sure that he will try to destroy us? We could try talking some sense-"

"Have we not tried?" Alexander said, his voice rising. A shiver went down my spine. Alexander never got angry. His sparkling blue eyes turned a dull brown. "Did we not call him here? Did we not try to talk? And what did he do? He spat an insult at me and called us for a duel!"

Tears filled my eyes. "He- everyone on Ataxia, they will perish too."

Silence filled the room once more as I awaited his explanation.

Alexander looked down. "There are always consequences of war. Destruction is inevitable now, Irene."

I closed my eyes, feeling defeated. I pressed my cold palms to my eyes, trying not to let my tears slip away from my eyes. Alexander's warm arms closed around me protectively. His muscles were tense from the past events.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, "but even I cannot stop this. This is not a decision for you to make. We tried, but at one point everyone fails."

I hugged him tight. "I trusted him."

"So did I," Alexander said, his voice breaking. "But the best ones always seem to turn themselves down. He is no longer the son he used to be. Power corrupts them all in the end."

He pressed his soft lips to my forehead. "But we'll get over it," he said a moment later. "We always do."

We stood there, interlaced with each other for a while. 

"Okay," I said finally, pulling away. "I'll let you make your decision."

 Alexander waited. He knew there would be a condition.

"Just promise me something," I continued.

"I might," he replied.

"Let me talk to him one last time," I said. "And then you can make your decision. Please. Just one more chance."

Alexander sighed. "Alright," he answered. "But you need to promise me that you won't interfere after I've made my decision. Whatever happens, you must accept it."

"I will," I answered solemnly.

And then everything just blinked out of my vision.

"Ataxia," I heard myself speak. "Please, listen to me."

"I said, I've had enough of your talks, woman!" a voice growled. It was neither a man's voice nor a woman. 

In front of me stood a young person, his hair tied up, ready in armor and full fighting gear. His eyes were red, but his irises were a dark purple. "You have two options, either work for me, or die. And your puny patient husband won't be enough to defeat me, I assure you."

The battle ground grew hotter and the red sand began burning my feet through my sandals. I could feel Alexander's gaze on me. This was hopeless. I straightened up. 

"Ataxia," I said finally, my voice as cold as steel, "this is our final warning. You don't want to anger Alexander. You know what will happen-"

"This is my land," Ataxia interrupted, "and only I can control it. Not you, not your fuc-"

"Ataxia," I said, "do not test my patience. This messenger of peace has done her best. But, you must learn, if you won't heed my words, the consequences will be severe. Good-bye."  

I turned to Alexander, and he nodded at me. His look said, 'this won't be something you want to watch.' But I stayed.

Ataxia laughed. "Him?" he asked. "Alexander? He never does get angry. What are you going to do? Tickle me to death?"

"You forget, Ataxia," Alexander said. His blue eyes sparkled into a deep red. His veins started to become black, and his blonde hair turned dark. "Your mother keeps the peace. Irene defends men, but I... I am the patience that awaits destruction. I am Adrias, and I am Alexander."

His form grew taller than the highest mountain. He towered over Ataxia, who was considerably large and tall himself. Ataxia gripped his weapon, a longsword made from what I could deduce was Ataxian Red Gold. He roared wildly, swinging the weapon like a mad axman, and he took off from the ground, ready to attack.

To my surprise, Alexander (Adrias) caught him like a fly in a glue trap. "I do not need weapons to fight off any evil," he said. Ataxia squirmed in his hands, trying to get away.

Adrias closed his palm tightly over Ataxia. He stamped his right foot hard on the ground. My heart was in pain. But I knew my role. I decided that I had to stay. 

The planet of Ataxia cracked under his feet. The already red skies turned purple. Alexander opened his palm again, and all that was there was a tiny dot of golden ichor. And the planet began to crumble under us. Alexander conjured a spear from thin air. 

And with great power, he plunged it down on the ground, and Ataxia burst into a million pieces, leaving me to float in bare space, staring in pain at an unsmiling Adrias, who had turned back to normal size. His brown eyes were filled with sadness and grief. 

I took his arm in mine, and leaned over his shoulder. "The work is done," he said.

He closed his eyes. He turned to me and pulled me into a hug. "I know."

And as we stood there, surrounded merely by red debris of the planet of Ataxia that had once been, I felt a single hot tear fall on my shoulder.


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