Chapter 39 - Alex - Dreams Or Memories? Part 2

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Zeus looked at her (me) dreamily. "Now," he said softly, "what is a girl like you doing in a place like this?"

I may have vomited on the spot, but I was dreaming.

Poseidon coughed. He seemed angry. "Don't think for one second, monster," he said, "that we won't recognize one sent by our father Kronos."

The new woman raised an eyebrow.

Zeus looked from Poseidon to her and then straightened up, red. "Yeah, yeah, we won't be fooled by those good looks."

Now the woman raised both her eyebrows in shock. Before she could open her mouth however, Poseidon had thrown his trident at her.

The woman caught it with both her hands and spun it in her hand, and then threw it back at the god. She pulled her pendant, and her own glowing trident formed, almost identical to Poseidon's, except hers looked as though it was made from gold, and stood in a defensive position, ready to attack.

War waged between the gods and the woman. She was agile enough to escape Hera, strong enough to overpower Zeus and smart enough to cut down Demeter's trees. But waging against them all at the same time? Not really possible.

A few minutes passed. The woman made the gods trip, but they always rose back again. Hades' pits were getting rather difficult to jump over. The woman seemed to get visibly irritated by the second.

Finally, hell broke loose.

She rose into the air, the winds on her side, and trees bent down to her. She spun the trident in front of her so rapidly that it worked as a shield. 

A lightning bolt that Zeus had sent pelting at her struck him in the heart squarely. He stood there, hair raised in shock. But he was not electrocuted.

Lightning crackled in the sky as the woman closed her eyes. Thunder rumbled, and the clear sky turned dark. The shores roared loudly. And then-

Time slowed down.

A large pit formed around the gods and vines stronger than them tied them up forcefully. Zeus was shouting curses I couldn't hear over the thunder. Trees swayed. Few broke and fell to the ground in slow motion. The gods fell into the pit, where they struggled against one another to become free. Their weapons lay above them on the ground. Large drops of water fell to the rain like silver coins.

And she opened her eyes, glowing royally purple, looking at the gods with a  sort of pity.

The woman slowly came back to the ground and she planted the trident in front of her.

"What are you?" asked Hades.

"I am Alexandra," the woman said, "the daughter of Poseidon."

"But-?" began Zeus.

"I was raised by the drop of blood that fell into the pit," she explained. "The ichor belonged to my father, Poseidon. I have all the powers of the First Olympians in me. I am the goddess of warriors, time, sacrifice, power, seasons and peace. I am here to protect all living beings that walk this earth."

I was woken up by the BART train coming to a stop. I'd reached back to the station. Rubbing my eyes, I got off, and made it back to the Camp in no time. Or at least, it felt like no time. I was too busy thinking about that dream.

Goddess of time, warriors, power, sacrifice, seasons and peace. 

Reyna handed me a large timetable with a list of chores and lessons. I learnt Latin, defended the outside tunnel with Dakota, then went on to learning about Roman gods and history. It was boring, and all I could think about was whether Percy was still alive. Annabeth wouldn't be happy if she knew he'd left. I looked to the seas, hoping to find the large boat that Percy had told me about. Maybe we'll leave someday, find Percy and go back to being family.

But nothing came. A whole day passed. Four days left until the end of the world, and Camp Jupiter was doing nothing to stop it. Nobody knew of the terrible future that was coming.

Night fell, and Dakota, Bobby and I were the only ones in the room. All of us probably slept more like rocks than humans.

The midnight chill woke me up. I had dreamed about Gaea. She was whispering in my ear, asking me to join her. I felt queasy. I got off from my bed, threw on a jacket and walked out the room and on to the Fields of Mars.

"Join me, and we shall form an empire that will last a millennia," Gaea said in my ear.

"Why do all villains love that dialogue?" I muttered to myself as I walked faster.

The whole camp was dark. Light flickered a little distance away at the Praetor's tent alone. From the shadows, I could make out Reyna and Octavian. They seemed to be talking, and Reyna seemed to be clenching her fists in anger.

It real wasn't very professional, but I decided to sneak up and listen to them. Maybe I'd be able to sneak in a punch on Octavian's idiotic face as well.

"We need to tell them!" Reyna was saying as I inched closer. "You think no one would be not surprised when they see a large army storming the camp?"

She definitely did sound angry.

"No, but I don't think it's time yet," Octavian replied calmly. "I am still waiting on the gods' response-"

"To hell with responses now, Octavian!" Reyna bellowed. "It's time we took action. The Feast is in four days and if we don't prepare the Camp will burn-"

"Don't worry, Reyna," said Octavian, and I could hear him trying to sound warm. "Once I'm praetor, we'll-"

"Burn down to ashes and die?" I asked, entering the tent. I'd had enough. "Sorry Reyna, but I had to interfere. I am not letting anyone in this Camp die because of lack of information, for god's sake."

Reyna turned red as a cherry. Octavian stared in shock for a moment.

"Now, Marine," he said coldly, "I don't think you are allowed-"

"Oh shut up," I snapped at the boy. "Reyna, no offense, but if you don't do your duty as praetor, I will do my duty as a legionnaire. Everyone will know of the news by tomorrow evening, either from you or from me. This is my last offering. I will not let this camp burn out."

Reyna looked at me coldly for a moment. "I do not think that sort of behavior's tolerated at Camp Jupiter, Marine."

"You talk as though I give a damn," I replied.

Reyna ignored the comment. Octavian was looking from me to her. "But I will accept your deal. I shall inform the senate and every cohort personally-"

"But-" interrupted Octavian. I shot him a cold glare, and he shut up.

"And we will conduct a trial as to what you were doing sneaking up on the grounds next to praetor's tent," Reyna continued. "If found guilty of being a spy, I'm afraid we're going to have to kill you."

I looked at Reyna in shock for a moment. Octavian smirked. I realized that my mouth was open and shut it.

I collected my courage and said, "I'd like to see you try to kill me. Good night, Praetor. Augur."


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