Chapter 98 - Annabeth - Mind Reading

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I'm a daughter of the goddess of wisdom.

Obviously, I know a thing or two.

And one of those things is-- drum roll, please-- reading people.

The moment I got down those stairs into the dining room to meet a bunch of redheads and the curly haired girl, I knew they downright hated us. 

Like, completely loathed us.

Mr. Weasley never was there, but when he was, he never spoke to us.

Molly Weasley seemed to hate the fact that all of us needed each other in the same room to not die from dreams. (Of course, but she didn't know that.)

Hermione seemed to be disgusted by our presence by itself. She hated our friendly fights in the corridors and the living room and scowled at Alex and me every time we judo-flipped someone.

Only the Weasley twins, Fred and George, liked our presence. They tried to test their pranks on us very unsuccessfully, and ever since, they had developed a particularly annoying habit of asking us for tips on how to make their pranks more innocent-looking. I believe they had found a new respect in their hearts just for us.

Ginny Weasley barely stayed around us. Whenever we entered a room, she'd sniff the air like she'd smelled garbage and walk out.

Ronald Weasley was the last guy we girls paid attention to. He frowned at Nico, Will, Percy and Jason all the time, and somehow, whenever he made eye contact with me, he blushed a furious red. Alex says she'd had the same experience too.

Anywho, Sirius was our main point of contact with anyone in the Wizarding World, and he wasn't really much help either. He was either always brooding in his dog form or trying his best not to zone out from the world or drink too much.

A month had passed from the time we had come to Grimmauld Place when the first most interesting event occurred.

On the fine evening of who-knows-when, Arthur Weasley burst into the living room of Grimmauld Place.

He just stared as Percy and Alex stared back at him, both of their hands on each other's heads, pulling the other's hair like crazy.

Both of them stood up, and pointed to Nico, who stood covered in the shadows. 

"He started it," said Alex, "he took my necklace."

"And then he stole mine," Percy said. 

"Because you stole mine day before yesterday!" Nico said, grinning.

Arthur Weasley shook his head. "Are there any adults? Is Sirius here? I need to talk-"

"Sirius' sleeping right now," Will said. "He doesn't get much, so I prepared some special tea for sleep. He needs some rest."


"Out to buy groceries along with Ginny and George," Jason informed, looking up from his book.

"I'm sure we can take a message for them," I said, standing up. 

Mr. Weasley looked shaken. His lips sort of moved involuntarily. He stared at all of us for two whole minutes straight.

"Alright," he said finally. 

"When Molly comes back, tell her," Arthur said, "that Harry Potter has been expelled from Hogwarts."

Now those were some magic words.

"WHAT?" All four of us screamed together. 

Arthur's hat flew off his head, showing his shiny bald scalp. I gave Jason a threatening look and turned back to Weasley.

"What do you mean by that?" Alex asked. 

Arthur picked up his hat from the ground, patted it and put it back on. "Yes," he said. "Harry has been expelled from Hogwarts."


"Dumbledore is trying to sort this out-- I've sent him a letter telling him to stay put in his house, not surrender his wand, and not to perform any more magic."

"What do you mean, any MORE magic?" Percy asked.

"Harry Potter performed a Patronus Charm today to get rid of dementors."

I blinked. Dementors?

Just as I was about to ask him what Dementors were, a voice spoke into my mind.

'A Dementor is a gliding, wraithlike creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest of the dark creatures to inhabit the world. Dementors feed on happiness and thus generate feelings of depression and despair in any person in close proximity to them. They can also consume a person's soul, leaving their victims in a permanent vegetative state, and thus were often referred to as "soul-sucking fiends", and the people they left soulless were deemed to "have been turned into an "empty-shell",' it said.

'Thanks, Hecate,' I thought.

I almost heard a 'You're Welcome.'

"But," Jason said, "you can get him out, right?"

Arthur scratched his head. "I do not know. But I trust Dumbledore. And as the Muggles say, where's there's a Dumbledore, there's a way."

Percy laughed. "Right."

Arthur smiled.

"Don't worry," Alex said. "We'll inform Mrs. Weasley when she gets back."

He tipped his hat, and Arthur walked out of the room after a short goodbye.

I turned to the others. "Do you think it was Eris' doing?"

Alex frowned. "She doesn't deal with dark creatures, really. That's more of a Tartarus thing to do. Erin likes to make evil pranks, those that eventually cause war."

"The Golden Apple," Percy said. 

Alex nodded. "The War of Troy."

"Paris could've gone for Athena," I said, "and all would have been fine."

"Don't blame the Paris, Annabeth," Nico said, stepping out from his shadows. "The Fates show no mercy-- to anyone."

"Even goddesses who fall onto the Earth?" Will asked, smirking. He looked pointedly at Alex.

"Especially goddesses who fall onto the Earth as mortals," Alex replied, smiling softly. "You have no idea."

Jason turned to Alex with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, there are a few perks."

A moment of silence followed where Nico found it very mature to wriggle his eyebrows with an evil smirk on his face.

Percy broke into laughter, and the rest of us followed.

Jason pulled her next to him.

Percy coughed loudly. "No PDA until the age of eighteen, remember, Grace?" he said.

"Oh, shut up," Alex said, rolling her eyes.

Will turned to her. "If it's not Eris, then who did send the Dementors?"

Nico frowned. "Maybe I'll ask some spirit-"

"NO!" all of us said together. The memory of Minos was alone enough traumatizing.

"Alright, alright."

Alex pouted. "I really don't know. It couldn't have been some immortal. I- I seriously doubt it. Besides, with Kronos and Gaea gone, I can't imagine anyone else who has control over Dementors."

The front door slammed open. 

"We're home!" came the voice of George, who'd clearly thought it would be a brilliant joke to burst open the door with magic.

I sighed. "I can't replace that front door again."

"We'll make him pay next time," Percy growled.   

"Now, we have much more important work to do," Alex said. "Learn it from Apollo's friend, folks. How to be dramatic."


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