Chapter 89 - Alex - You're joking, right?

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"Seriously?" I asked.

"Seriously, Alexandra," Chiron said, nodding his head.

"Like, Bippity Boppity Boo?" Percy asked.

"Like, Cinderella's glass shoes?" I asked. "They must have been very uncomfortable."

"Not really," Chiron explained. "More like-"

"Like Gandalf?" Annabeth asked.

"Like Merlin from the Sword in the Stone?" Jason asked.

Chiron seemed to think. "Maybe?"

"Oh, fantastic," Jason said, slamming the table. "We know they exist, but we don't what they do."

"Well," Chiron said, "at least we know they exist. They don't know we do."

"Sweet," Nico said. "So let's just stay that way. I've got work back in the Under-"

"Wait," Chiron said. "Just, listen to me. After that we can decide on whether you want to go on the quest or not."

Nico sighed.

"The wizards and witches were a group of people blessed by Hectate. As magic began to fade over the centuries, the Titan of magic chose a few people in random-"

"Never go for random," I said, shaking my head.

"Point," Percy said, nodding.

Chiron ignored us. "She chose them in random and gave them the power of magic. They cannot use the Mist very well, but they have the power to do some small things that range from cleaning pots and pans to killing."

"Oooh," Will said, interested.

"Ever since then, the wizards have developed. They have built schools for their own kind, studied magical creatures, found what dragons are, etcetera."

"So if they're that good on their own, why do they need us?" Jason asked.

Chiron raised an eyebrow.

"Oh come on," Will said. "Clearly you're saying all of this to us because they need us to save them, right?"

Chiron coughed. "Yes."

"Yeah," Nico said. "Why do they need us if they're actually pretty good on their own?"

"See," Chiron said, "when Hectate chose people at random, some people who weren't exactly good got the powers too. They thought of themselves as higher beings-"

"Like the gods do," I said, smirking, waiting for the centaur to fall right into the trap.

"Exactly," Chiron said. And then he swallowed, just realizing his mistake. The six of us were laughing. "You did not hear me say that."

"You owe us one then," Annabeth said, taking a strawberry.

"Deal," Chiron said solemnly.

We chuckled.

"Anyway," he said, now smiling as well, "the evil magicians started to say that they could only marry those who had magic blood in them and started calling themselves 'Purebloods.' People who got their powers when they were born from parents who did not have magical powers wer called 'Muggleborns' or 'Mudbloods'. They were usually frowned upon."

"Racism exists everywhere," Jason said sadly.

"Unfortunately, yes. Those who married these 'Muggleborns' were called 'Blood Traitors,' and those born from their bonding were called 'Halfbloods.' They were not as high as the 'Purebloods'. But today, things have changed a bit."

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