Chapter 86 - Percy - A Night To Remember

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On our birthday, Alex and I were dragged to Legoland theme park (literally) by Annabeth and Jason.

As much as I hate Legos (they hurt!) I enjoyed the visit. We went on the boat anchor ride, the gravity force trainer thing, flying machines, miniland, the dragon and a couple of other things I can't really remember. 

Afternoon was a grand affair as we had extravagant lunch at the theme park. Annabeth had decided to wear some black jeans over a kind of fancy white shirt.

After Legoland, we came back home for a little rest. We were twenty, after all. Nighttime was our peak time to stay up. Afternoons, not so much. 

Jason woke us up at around four in the evening. He was dressed fully in a crisp white shirt and woven grey pants. He looked very formal and casual at the same time. He winked at me, with a mischievous smile on his face.  I hate it when people surprise me. 

Annabeth dressed up as though she was going for a really casual look as well. She wore a knotted tee over a pair of denim shorts. 

For the first time in my life, I was confused about what to wear. 

Finally, I decided on a nice blue button-down shirt and a pair of tan pants. The color combo kind of reminded me of the sea. I rolled up my pants for an extra-casual look so that I could fit in. 

Alex wore an oversize button-down white shirt over ripped jeans. I was shocked. I didn't know she had shirts. Whenever I saw her, she was wearing a hoodie. (Ow!) 

The two of us began to roll up our socks to wear them, but Jason tutted loudly. 

"Socks are for children," he said.

"And," Alex said with a raised eyebrow, "flip-flops are for adults?"

"Exactly," Annabeth said, grinning.

The two of us just blinked. 

"Okay, I'm wearing flip-flops too," I said, getting up. "But it better be worth it."

"Oh, it surely is, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said.

Jason drove, although I insisted on driving. It may have worked, if only I knew where we were going. 

After a two-hour drive during which Alex and I slept off, Jason woke us to a completely, and when I say it, I mean it, a completely empty beach.

"I should've known!" Alex moaned. "The casual wear, the flip-flops!"

"We have been fooled, sister," I said, pretending to be destroyed.

Jason and Annabeth rolled their eyes.

It was already darkening. The sky was turning dark. (They are not the same sentences, Alex.)

"Seriously, beach at night?" Alex asked, frowning. "Not cool."

Jason put his arm around her waist. "Remember when we stood under a dark sky, and you showed me what the sea truly looked like?"

Her face calmed, and Alex smiled. "Yeah, that was nice. You literally had a pet turtle for thirty minutes."

Annabeth smiled. She took my hand in hers. I kissed her forehead. 

Jason looked to the skies in a new hope. "Let's have some fun," he said. "Last to the shore is a rotten egg!"

And then he ran without warning.

"You idiot!" Alex shouted and ran behind him, laughing. 

We followed, shouting curses that children should never hear. 

Alex promptly pushed Jason into the seawater at once in a fit of fury. He fell face down into the saltwater.

Annabeth was no better. Since I'd reached last, she'd decided the 'rotten egg' should be drowned in water.

Before I knew it, she and Alex were splashing and throwing water at me. Annabeth had somehow even found a bucket to fill up with water.

I sent a giant wave of water at the girls. Alex blocked it with a wave of her hand, and grinned at me.

The water pulled me down, and I fell face down on the sand next to Jason.

Annabeth and Alex high-fived and laughed together.

With newfound will, Jason and I stood up together as a team.

With an evil smirk, Jason sent the bucket in Annabeth's hand flying away. 

Alex gasped in shock. "You-" 

She pulled her hand into a fist. The sea promptly followed her instructions. It plucked Jason out of the water and into the air.

Jason pushed it away with full force, but in vain. I focused all my power into freeing him. The fist disappeared into the water. Jason started to fall down but held himself up a few moments later.

Before I knew it, Annabeth had gotten behind me just enough to judo-flip me to the ground. Alex waved her hand, and I was buried in sand up to my neck. 

"Seriously?" I asked her.

"Seriously," Alex said, grinning. "I challenge you to get out of that."

Next was Jason. 

He rose in the air, avoiding every wave that Alex was sending. And then, Annabeth did some sort of hand gesture at Alex.

"Jason, careful!" I shouted, unable to do anything.

Alex had created steps out of water, and Annabeth was climbing them to him. Annabeth tackled him to the ground, and Jason put his hands up in surrender. 

"White flag of peace, white flag of peace," he muttered.

Alex and Annabeth laughed again. 

"Alright, alright," Alex said. She helped me out of the sand pit, and I made a face at the two ladies before kissing Annabeth congratulations for winning. We sat down together, holding hands in the night.

Jason had sat down next to Alex, and the two of them were cuddling in the moonlight. Jason kissed her forehead.

"Hey Annabeth," I said. 

"Yeah?" She was smiling so much, that I hated to do this to her.

"I've been thinking - I really hate your name."

"What?" she asked, frowning, just realizing what I had told her.

"Well, the first isn't so bad, but the last- eh, there are so many other better ones-"

"Well, what do you expect it to be?" she asked, clearly annoyed.

I smirked. "Jackson."

Annabeth just looked at me speechless. "Did you just-"


I got down on one knee and pulled out the box to reveal the diamond ring that my sister and I had chosen. "You have my heart and now I want you to have my last name. Marry me?"

Alex smirked. Annabeth was just in total shock.

"Well, say, yes, dammit!" Alex said.

"Well?" I asked.

"I hate you so much for doing this to me, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth said with a big smile on her face, "Yes, I will marry you!"

I smiled at her and bit my lip. "I knew you'd say that."

"Oh, get up," Annabeth said, rolling her eyes. I slid the ring onto her finger. 

"This, is the best night ever, period," I said, and kissed her.


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