Chapter 148 - Percy - The Fight

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"Tell me you have some sort of power to bring out silver from the ground," Jason told Alex. 

"Stay close," Alex warned. "They rarely attack a pack."

"That didn't work too well last time," Jason muttered.

"Their alpha hasn't arrived yet," I said. "They'll wait."

Two more wolves made their way in. I could hear Hermione whimpering by the other side of the Quidditch pitch, but she was still standing tall, ready to attack. I signed for her to go away, but she didn't listen.

The wolves parted, and the man stepped into the firelight. His hair was greasy and ragged, the color of fireplace soot, topped with a crown of what looked like finger bones. His robes were tattered fur—wolf, rabbit, raccoon, deer, and several others. The furs didn't look cured, and from the smell, they weren't very fresh. His frame was lithe and muscular, like a distance runner's. But the most horrible thing was his face. His thin pale skin was pulled tight over his skull. His teeth were sharpened like fangs. His eyes glowed bright red like his wolves'—and they fixed on Alex with absolute hatred. 

"Lycaon," Alex greeted the man. 

I couldn't tell if he was scowling or smiling. "Dea nihilo," he said, tilting his head, "nunc mortale. Alexandra."

"Non sunt hic," Alex growled at Lycaon. "Neque tu. Exite."

"Speak English!" Will hissed at Alex. 

Lycaon laughed- or perhaps, he was snarling. I don't know. "We'll see who leaves first, goddess."

Annabeth snarled at the man, her dagger imploring to find Lycaon's neck.

The man snarled—perhaps a laugh, perhaps a challenge. "Oh, we've been waiting for you all across Europe, hoping we'd be the first to find you. Our king will reward me well when he finally comes to Earth. But for now- my pack is hungry."

The wolves snarled in the darkness.

"The king of wolves," I remarked, smirking. "An immortal, smelly, vicious mutt."

Lycaon growled. "I will tear you apart, Son of Poseidon!"

"Come on, Big Bad Wolf," I snarled back right at him. "What you gonna do? Huff and puff and blow my house down?"

Jason took a step forward. "You're not killing anyone, wolf man. Not without going through me."

"The son of Jupiter," Lycaon snarled. "We meet again. You shall be mine." 

Lycaon howled loudly, and Ron was screaming behind us.

"Incoming!" Alex warned, throwing three silver knives at three wolves at the same time. They fell to the ground, whimpering. 

 She passed to each one of us a silver dagger. "Keep yourselves safe."

She slammed her trident to the ground, and it changed color, still glowing purple. "Light 'em up, Jason," she ordered. "Will, make sure the kids are okay, Nico," she was panting now, "you know what to do."

She turned around just in time to plunge her now silver trident into a werewolf. The wolf howled. "Get to work! Now!"

We scattered away from the center. Will ran to the end of the Quidditch pitch. Nico shadow travelled from one place to another, slicing through wolves with all but a small silver dagger. Jason brought out his gladius, and his form crackling, he sent out powerful bolts of lightning at Lycaon and his wolves.

Rain fell heavily from the skies. If there's one thing I can take advantage of, it's water. I smirked. 

I willed the water into the wolves mouths, and choked them slowly, waiting for Alex to come with her silver trident and finish them off. 

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