Chapter 72 - Percy - A Visit From Lester Papa- Whatever His Name.

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It's so not nice when people talk on the mic, and you just have to listen to them until your turn comes. 

Oh, it's Percy, by the way, in case you were wondering.

Well anyway, Annabeth and I found it hard to cope. 

Especially after Tartarus.

You know how it's like when you just fall into hell, deal with Lucifer himself, drink fire and then fight an Earth Goddess.



It's not good. Annabeth woke up screaming some days. Other days, I was the one screaming. I'm pretty sure we'd have died without each other then.

It's better now, thanks for asking.

We'd only passed a few weeks until it happened. 

Alex and I were playing UNO at Mom's apartment for the weekend.

"Did you know that tomorrow Ms. Nexus will conduct a surprise test?" Alex asked.

"What?" I asked, confused. "If she already told you, then it won't be a surprise-"

"Yeah, but she didn't. I just know."

"Bloody psychic idiot," I cursed under my breath. 

"Pity. I was about to tell you what she was going to ask. See, this test will be counted for-"

"Fine! Tell me!" I said, opening my bag, and taking out a pen and paper.

"Uh-huh," Alex said sarcastically, looking at her cards still. "Too late."

"Please," I said through my teeth. My sister can be very annoying if she wants to.

The doorbell buzzed, but we paid no attention to it.

"PLEASE, ALEX," I yelled at her sweetly

Alex threw her cards down, a smirk on her face. "Fine. But you'll owe me one. Question number one- write it down-"

"Percy!" Mom called me down.

"What?" I called back.

"You've got a guest," Mom said. Alex looked at me with wide eyes. We knew that tone. Something was up.

We ran down the stairs and assembled in front of her. 

"What happened?" Alex asked. She pulled out her dagger at the ready. "Do you want help with cutting vegetables? Did you break a nail? Is the kitchen on fire? Are there criminal pandas? Glowing pandas? Did criminal glowing pandas take over the country-"

Mom pointed to the door. "You have a guest. Apollo."

Alex dropped her dagger to the ground. 

"Not again," I moaned.

"Don't play with knives, girl," Mom scolded.

"Yes, okay," Alex said, and the dagger disappeared. "But seriously, Apollo?"

"He's right outside."

I stormed to the door in a frenzy. I swung open the apartment door and said, "Why?"

Alex followed close behind me and peeked over my shoulder with a terrible frown on her face. 

"Percy Jackson, my blessings upon you! I am in need of assistance," he said. 'He' was Caucasian sixteen-year-old of average build with blue eyes and dark curly hair.

"No," Alex whispered.

"Who's your friend?" I asked, looking at the girl beside him, probably around twelve.

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