Chapter 110 - Percy - We All Have The Same Dream

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Bright colors blinded my vision. I squinted through the light anyway and watched as the scene unfolded.

Many young teens, all in the same kind of robes ran around in panic, their wands raised and they threw spells into the air. Assisting them were adults I only knew by name.

As I watched, Harry Potter hit a blonde-headed man. Sirius sent out a disarming hex at him too.

More colorful hexes blinded my vision. I looked down to see myself holding a wand, and fighting someone. I couldn't remember who it was.

And suddenly, it all stopped. Albus Dumbledore was looking down at the others in a fit of rage.  

Only one pair was still battling, apparently unaware of the new arrival.

"Come on, you can do better than that!" Sirius yelled, his voice echoing around the cavernous room.

And the woman opposite him, with black curly hair and a sunken face, shrieked with laughter. Her screams and laughs were like that of an animal dying. She sent out a gleaming red spell at Sirius.

And before I knew it, it had hit him square in the chest. 

Sirius exploded into a million tiny pieces. I fell over, almost as though experiencing  a bomb blast.

I wish I hadn't opened my eyes.

Because when I did, I regretted it most.

Red lands extended beyond the horizon of the wide burning lake in front of me. My hands were filled with blisters. My throat burned, almost as though I'd just swallowed a hundred Carolina Reaper chilies. Sulphureous air itched my nose and made me feel like it was on fire. Red and gray clouds passed overhead, emitting threatening sparkles of lightning and thunder.

The dirt swirled around me. I stood up quickly. Now was no time to stand and fight. 

I ran. I ran as much as I could. I didn't want to see it again. 

But he always caught up in the end. 

"Perseus Jackson," Tartarus laughed. "My favorite demigod."

"Go away," I sighed. "I'm not in a mood for your games."

"Oh," said Tartarus. "Poor demigod. I was hoping we could bargain." He waved his hand.

I couldn't help but gasp. 

In his hands, Tartarus held four glowing silver figures. "See?" Tartarus said, grinning evilly. "I think I've collected the most important ones. Annabeth, Sally, Paul and of course, dear, sweet Estelle."

"No!" I gasped. 

"Now, who should we get rid of first then? You know, like an incentive. You can bargain, or you can watch the rest three die." Tartarus said. He picked up one silvery figure. "Bye-bye, Paul Blofis."

He threw the figure into the River of Fire. 

I couldn't even hear myself screaming. I fell to my knees in pain. 

"Do as I say, Perseus, or what you saw will really happen. You will kill Alexandra Marine by the thirteenth full moon from today or-" he rounded his palm around the figures. When he opened his fist again, there was just dirt. He poured it onto the ground. "You have your time limit. Now start your work."

The vision dissolved, and I closed my eyes, letting all the tears out.


I woke up with a jolt.

"Hey man," said Bill. "Bad dreams?"

"Oh my gods," Annabeth gasped. "I was so scared." She hugged me tight.

"What happened?" I asked. 

"We've been trying to wake you for the past hour," Alex answered. She took my hand in hers. "You okay, bro?"

I didn't want to look her in the eye. My lungs hurt as I breathed in the new oxygen. I felt my eyes brimming up with tears. 

"Look, guys," Bill said, "I know I can't really understand half the things you're going through, but this is not normal."

"Believe me, you wouldn't know," Nico said. He sat next to my bed, in deep thought. "Whatever that dream was about, Percy, I suggest you ignore it."

Annabeth finally let go of me. Her gray eyes were gleaming, filled up with tears. 

"What are you doing here right now, Bill?" I asked, only then realizing that he was even there.

"Oh," Bill said, "Mum says get up, your breakfast is in the kitchen and then she needs you in the attic. There are loads more doxys than she thought and she's found a nest of dead puffskeins under the old sofa."

"There's an attic here?" Alex asked.

"Every house does, Alex," Bill rolled his eyes. "See you around. Have fun cleaning."

"We can't even use our powers," Alex moaned.

Bill smirked, and closed the door behind him as he left.

"Hey," Will asked. "What was all that about? What happened?"

I felt dizzy. I didn't want to talk about it- not with her in front of me. "I-" I began, but no words came out further.

"Alex, will you get him a cup of coffee?" Jason asked. "He looks like he's going to faint already."

"Oh," Alex said, "that's right, Jason. Good idea. Be right back."

She turned to me and smiled softly. "In the meantime, brother, please don't do anything I wouldn't do."

My heart turned heavy. I wanted to cry. I wanted to tell her what Tartarus had told me. I wanted to give her a big bear hug and tell her that I wouldn't even dream of hurting her. Instead, I settled for just a nod.

Alex turned around and walked out the door, closing the door behind her. 

"Thanks," I told Jason.

"It was pretty clear that the dream was something about her," he replied. "What happened?"

"It was Tart-- Tartarus." I took a deep breath in. "He threatened me- told me he wanted to bargain. For- for my family."

"Did he bargain your family for killing Alex?" Will asked curiously.

I nodded. 

Nico's eyes darted to Jason and back to me. 

Annabeth was looking down at the floor.

"Wait," Jason said, only then realizing what had happened. "You're telling me-- you all had the same dream?!"

"Don't tell me you didn't!" Nico said. "I'm pretty sure now that one of you is tasked with killing me too."

"No," Will said, "Tartarus told me that I had to kill Alex by the thirteenth-"

"Full moon, yeah," I completed. "Or he'd kill Paul, Sally, Estelle- and you, Annabeth. But you, Nico- you seem like you had a different dream. What happened?"

Nico swallowed. "He- he told me to kill Jason."

"Me too," Annabeth admitted after a long pause.

Jason's eyes went wide. He took a deep breath. His angry eyes turned into a calm blue. "And?" he asked.

Annabeth gave him a quizzical look. 

"And what have you decided? To kill your best friends or fight Tartarus?"

Annabeth frowned, as though the name 'Tartarus' sent her a shiver of horror. "Of course not, Jason! What do you think of us?"

"I thought of you as friends," Jason said.

"And what makes you think otherwise now?" Nico asked.

"You've been hiding from me and Alex for how long exactly?" Jason asked critically. "Come clean to me. What have you decided?"


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