Chapter 82 - Jason - We All Hate Hera

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Her body was cased in purple fire.

Poseidon squinted through his old eyes to see what was happening. I was forced back into my chair.

"I don't think this'll work!" I heard the god of healing behind.

My hair flew sideways as though it was being plastered to one side by the wind. Poseidon held his ground, holding his trident. Asclepius was just hanging on, his doctor's coat already flown away.

And then the fire died down. Alex's body was still.

I got out of my chair and walked to her.

Blood still flowed out of her body. No pulse. Nothing.

I just stared at her, hoping for something to happen.

Poseidon walked up to her body. He stroked her hair. "Wake up," he whispered.

The blood oozing out of her body paled.

My eyes went wide. Poseidon's gleamed happily. Asclepius seemed to think it was safe to come near her and stepped next to her. He smiled.

Her blood turned a dark orange, then a pale orange.

And before I knew it, golden ichor was flowing out.

"Is she-" I started.

"She's an immortal now," Asclepius said.

"Different from half mortal," Poseidon said, smiling.

And after a moment, Alex woke up with a jerk.

Her blue eyes seemed to match the sea's color. I smiled.

"Get out of my way!" she yelled. "I think I'm gonna throw up!"

Poseidon frowned and brought out a bowl made out of coral. "That should help."

After a lot of throwing up, Alex finally looked at where she was.

"Dad?" she asked, looking at Poseidon.

Poseidon's face had changed considerably over time. His wrinkled face was gone. Instead, he looked around thirty-five, with a short beard, wearing a Hawaii shirt and green shorts. He wore neon orange and yellow slippers.

Poseidon spread his hands and enveloped her into a hug. "My daughter!" he yelped in delight.

"You really need to get rid of those slippers," Alex responded, hugging him back.

Asclepius sighed. "Nice to get out of my cave once in a while, thanks to you, my lady."

Alex pulled away from Poseidon. "Thank you, Asclepius," she said, and hugged him.

The god was shocked for a moment. And then, he melted into the hug.

"Well, I must get going," he said. "I'll see you around, I hope?"

"Of course, Doc."

"And.." he looked to me, "you may want to thank that young man."

Alex turned around and gasped.

Yeah, I was pretty sure I was invisible.

"Jason!" she exclaimed, walked to me and hugged me. "You gave him the ichor-"

"-of Gaea, yeah," I completed her sentence.

I felt her warm hands around my torso. I smiled, and hugged her firmly.

"I heard you," she said, "when I came. I heard your voice. That's why-"

"I know," I said.

I pulled away. Her blue eyes sparkled with delight.

The Forgotten Olympian |BOOK 1| PJO X HP | Alexandra MarineWhere stories live. Discover now