Chapter 87 - Jason - A New Quest

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No one has ever said enough of this. Weddings are the worst things ever.

Alex and I decided not to have a ceremony after we got engaged two days after Percy and Annabeth.

As Percy so plainly put it, "Two people who are currently together attend a party, go on a vacation and get back to living together. And we all hate hate parties. And parties means monsters. But I'm always up for vacay."

So all four of us had decided our marriages won't have an actual ceremony.

Alex insisted on "Vegas Marriage," as a joke. Percy joined a few days later.

So, all of us actually did not end up with Vegas Marriage. In fact, Annabeth and Percy didn't end up with just no ceremony marriages either, because of Hera, obviously.

Percy was in complete shock on the day he and Annabeth had decided to marry each other. The gods (Hera, mostly) had somehow turned him around on the way to the beach where they were planning to get married, and we (Alex and I were witnesses) found ourselves in the biggest mansion ever.

Most of the gods were present. But none of our friends from our old times were there. Thalia was an exception. She had taken the liberty of being Artemis' captain and taken her once in a mortal lifetime day off.

Percy had the nerve to appoint me as last minute best man. I hated doing the speech. It was only because of Alex that I was able to make it a bit humourous with sea puns.

Annabeth's maid of honour was Alex. Feeling a bit rebellious, my fiance had turned the pure white dress that Hera had very kindly supplied into a charming blue. Needless to say, Hera was not pleased. She kept interrupting the ceremony once in a while to comment on the color, but Percy insisted that it be blue.

When the wedding was over, Alex and I knew we were next.

So we took the necessary precaution.

We took a flight to Vegas.

And in the privacy of the chapel we signed our marriage licenses, only to later know that the officiant had in fact been Poseidon and the older man who took us on a taxi ride back to the airport was Zeus. No wonder they were grinning like idiots.

I opened my eyes. That had been three months ago. After a long honeymoon at Bali, Indonesia, we were finally back home. New York City.

My skin tingled as Alex moved slightly against me. I kissed her forehead.

"It's eight in the morning," Alex said in a muffled voice. "Don't wake me up just yet."

"Mmm, no," I said, hugging her. "I need coffee. You want some?"

"Coffee would be nice."

I got out of bed only half an hour later. Alex was snoring. I don't think she'd have wanted coffee at that point. After fifteen minutes of brushing my teeth (what? I was sleepy!) I finally went to the kitchen. 

Soon Alex woke up, drawn in by the smell of my perfectly awesome coffee brewing skills. 

"You idiot!" she exclaimed. "Did you forget that we're out of coffee?"

"What? Then what is this?"

"That's tea."


"Yeah." Alex frowned. "How did you even make it?"

I shrugged. "I hate tea."

"Too bad, I don't mind it."

The door bell rang. Alex sighed. "I'll go get it."

She muttered something about how it was just nine in the morning and people just wanted to kill peace already. I chuckled.

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